I recently had a wine made by a board favorite that I’m not going to name. I texted a friend " should be ashamed." Probably a bit harsh, but the wine was not good.
Is there any consensus on posting a negative note? Don’t do it? Don’t do it if it’s someone who participates in the community? Would you post a negative note on CT but not here? Why?
I will occasionally post negative notes, but I wouldn’t post a negative tasting note on a wine made by someone who participates on WB (though I might comment that a wine “was not my preferred style”, etc.). Rightly or wrongly, I think that posting a negative note on CT, even if made by a board participant, is fair game.
If those are appropriately diplomatic, fair and thoughtful, then go ahead and you’ll be fine. Not to my taste (plus a rationale on why) should be pretty inoffensive and maybe even of use/interest to the winemaker. However you may just let it pass ("no point being a dick about it etc ").
If your friends tell you that you can be forthright or provocative, then you’ll probably post anyway, but the winemaker may be offended and/or be equally forthright back. This is WB and I think there is a general belief that if you attack someone, then they’ve got the right to fire right back at you.
I had an incident like this recently. I’m pretty over-reactive about criticism myself, so I tend to stay away from criticizing any winemaker openly. The little guys work too damn hard to have some putz like me telling them their wines are shiite -
Agree with Victor. That said, I would leave out the color you provided in the text message about “should be ashamed”. If you didn’t like a wine just say why you didn’t like it and I think your good to go…
So long as you’re being honest and polite about what you don’t like about it, then you should post about it. IMO most winemakers know when they make a wine that isn’t their best. Some honest criticism sometimes is welcomed. Of course, some people in this world will always take offense. If they can’t take it, they shouldn’t be in the wine biz.
Just to be clear, the text message was an impression I sent to a friend. I would never write that in a tasting note or post that on WB unless something was intentionally done wrong (like purposely mislabeling a wine).
An honest and polite evaluation of what you think of a wine shouldn’t be an issue. At least I would hope not. If people refrained from posting those negative notes, it diminishes the board’s usefulness, in my opinion.
Would posting the note be helpful to others? If so, do it politely and with accuracy. Are you concerned it is a producer you purchase from and they may not offer you wine in the future?
For wines from winemakers I know or that I purchase from, I admit I may hold back, or let them know on the side. I’m shy on doing anything that may hurt their business. I would be really careful to distinguish between “not my style” versus a poorly made wine.
Constructive criticism is helpful when you are actually being polite. Treat others as you wish to be treated, and all that good stuff.
Different strokes for different folks. You don’t like something, others do. I hope that we are all aware that individual preferences exist in this world.
Post the note, but without Vitriol, shaming, or trying to do an expose of the sacred cow. You will likely get a lot of defenders, and “off-bottle apologists”, but I betcha you will get some folks come out and agree as well.
The only problem is that if you post a note for ANYONE over the next couple months that isn’t positive, they’re liable to connect the dots and assume that you said they should be ashamed of themselves.
There is a way to say something without being mean, but many importers (Especially importers!) and some winemakers will take issue with ANY negative comment feeling it their job to put positive spin on any note detracting their pocketbook. What’s the purpose of a having a board full of Joe Isuzu’s?
I don’t not care at all if it is a board favorite, I will post honestly about it if I am inclined to right a TN (which I only do on about 1 out of every 5-10 bottles I pop - yea, lazy). I will admit to not posting a few notes on wines made by some active board members as I really enjoy their participation on the site and it would have made me (and perhaps them) feel uncomfortable. I have no issues when others choose to do so, and only hope it is polite. I have posted a few notes on Bedrock syrahs that I did not like, but was polite about it. Got zinged by some people here on one note on a syrah but got a nice comment from Morgan. I like his Zins much more.