Poor Customer Service from WINE CONSIGNERS INC.

My friend Larry bought 3 bottles of 1963 Port and one bottle was totally shot and should not have been sold. Holding it up to light it was clear yellow with 2 inches of sediment/sludge at the base of the bottle.
I advised taking a picture of the bottle and sending it to the store but my friend sent an email first and the response is classic.

-----Original Message-----
From: larry
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 11:42 AM
To: sales@wineconsigners.com

i bought 3 bottles of 1963 ports a few months ago. a friend of mine said one of the bottles was bad and i shold not open it. she is very knowledgable and said i should contact you about returning it but maybe you would like a photo first. another of the 3 i had, a Sandeman and it was fabulous. I also have one other one which looks ok. pls advise.

their response verbatim

Dear Larry,

With all due respect, the audacity of your claim is not only unprecedented but downright uncalled for! First of all, per our website written policy, all sales are final. Period. Secondly, you cannot seriously expect us to accept your premise, seven months after the purchase, can you?! Thirdly, since you have so much reliance on your friend’s wine knowledge, we contend that your “knowledgeable friend” should’ve been the one to have helped you with your selection prior to their purchase.

The very mere fact that you’re raising doubts about the condition and/or quality of a 50 year old port from one of the 5 greatest vintages of the past 100 years without either naming the bottle or even showing us the picture of it, is most revealing about the nature and validity of your assertion. To put it mildly, since 1979, this is the most impudent and unfounded claim we’ve ever encountered that is solely judged on hear say and appearance of the bottle and not the authenticity of the product, or the integrity of the merchant! In sum, we categorically classify your e-mail as nothing but a baseless petition without merit. I trust you concur.


Mozy Tehrani
Website: http://www.wineconsigners.com

WOW. Speechless. [popcorn.gif]

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Class act. rolleyes

They would have been smarter to act like the airlines, and ignore the e mail.

+1. They can take their business and shove it!

Now that’s an email.

I think Mr. Tehrani also wrote their corporate “bio,” unless that’s just the house prose style:

“Since September 11, 2001 with everything hanging in the balance, most pretending trade merchants’ lack of diligence to our treasured classics triggered an unconscionable and sustained marketplace deprivation that proved exceedingly alarming and consequential to our continued vitality. Based on this final admission, we have opted to license you to judge our selection, service and value system. Contrary to common claims, our inventory is truly “in stock” and not just a figment of imagination or a compilation of other suppliers stock.”

Mazy really went out of her/his way to demonstrate an arrogance and belligerence
toward customers that defies all comprehension. Whew !

Even if Mazy was having a bad day, there is no justifiable excuse.

Hank [cheers.gif]


I’m sending him an email. It’s like Halloween. Who knows whats treat I might get!

Yup. That may be an example of poor customer service. [snort.gif]

Maybe it’s just me, but I would say your friend got “serviced” pretty thoroughly. [snort.gif]


The letter was written by an a-hole, but some points were valid as far as their no return policy especially after several months as they don’t know how you’ve stored the wine. I would never buy an old wine sight unseen. You don’t know its history. The author of the letter is still an a-hole.

This is an online retailer with only a post office box for a physical address. And it will not allow customers to pick up purchases, insisting on shipping everything. That was enough for me to become suspicious.

No Port for you!

By the way, I hope your friend paid for the purchase with a credit card. While he might not get any relief given the circumstances, it would be worth disputing that part of the charge and saying that the merchant refused to address the issues, much less accept a return.



Yep, the only way to describe it

Would it be the most impudent, unfounded, and unprecedented suggestion if I urged you to put the retailer’s name in the subject?

Unbelievable !
I suggest we designate a day of “Mourning” and we each email said Mr Tehrani on that day and express our opinion of his handling of this issue .

Check out this dandy little proviso from their website:

“We have made every effort to avoid typographical errors and mistakes in maintaining every area of this site. However, in the event of typographical errors, misprints or mistakes we cannot be held responsible. The intended price will prevail at our discretion prior to written confirmation of any order.”