Poll: Nice 4 color enamel lapel pin or cheapo round political button style WB identifier.

He probably likes the mousepoop aromas of bretty cab franc.

I propose a new poll with size and style options. Plain stamped metal vs enamel etc… I think a 3/8" or 1/2" size is better. Also, I can’t vote neither because I already voted.

Looks like I’ve got to change my picture. Also, I happen to love brett flavors… but sadly only in beer (I’m not hip enough for the natural wine scene).

We were wondering when you’d notice. :wink:

We should get one of these for Todd to wear at official berserker functions

Duck-elgänger situation resolved.

Lapel pin?

No thanks, I’m not ready to give up on getting laid. [cheers.gif]

All good. Agree 1 1/2 inch is too big.

Many years ago, Flyertalk had these lapel pins. I bought one. The idea was to wear it when flying, so other ‘family’ could spot you. [wink.gif]
I wore that pin several times. Today, it sleeps in my desk drawer.

Jay, I would suggest something that I’d be proud to wear at a non Berserker event. A baseball cap.

Black cap. WB written in magenta or red.

KISS keep it simple. I know a guy that made good quality caps for my annual tour of Brooklyn. Estimated cost $10. We would sell them at Berserker 1000.

A reduckulous coincidence.

Most wine tastings are indoors, so a hat won’t work.

I apologize because this is overdue, but I realized that I neglected to say thank you to Jay. While I’m sure we all have our opinions on what looks good, Jay is taking the time and energy to pull that together, for which he deserves recognition.

Well done, Jay.

Folks used to wear their t-shirts to events, and some still do (like we left-coasters), since a t-shirt with print on it is considered ‘fancy’.

I wear mine all the time… on the East coast…

Love my tees as well.
