Poll: Do I have a buying problem?

Holy Sh*t…that’s more than I have in my entire cellar.

Have you been speaking with my wife? [swearing.gif]

beat a dead horse much?

I’m not sure I understand the point of this post. Do you want us to reassure you that you don’t have a problem? Do you want us to tell you that you have a “problem”, but it’s the same “problem” everyone else here has, so it’s not really a problem <>? Do you want us to tell you that you have a serious problem and should seek counseling? Are you just humble-bragging?

I’m just happy to see that five other people voted for Garyc318i. All things considered, he really is the only viable choice in this poll.

Mainly it is to out myself as a dumbass who buys too much fricking wine. Trust me, what I have been buying I far from that which deserves bragging. Humble or otherwise.

I also wanted to poke fun at Garyc318i, that’s always entertaining.

You spend more on shipping than I spent on wine. pileon

Do they cut you any sort of shipping/processing discount for that large volume?

The only good news when you buy this much is that you can ship really cheaply. (Around $7/box refrigerated).

Do you actually think you’re a dumbass? Do you regret buying all that wine?


Hell yes I have a wine buying problem but coming to WB makes me feel better, I see what you ballers are buying and my problem seems small [thankyou.gif]

As one who went through a dumbass overbuying period myself, I can attest that regret it. I suspect that that the OP isn’t boasting or trying to impress, he’s just a little shocked, and may be deflecting some of that.

I don’t know the OP, and this may not reflect his position at all, but I recall telling similar stories at one point. I wasn’t trying to brag or impress. I was trying to admit to myself that I had a problem. Telling the stories to others, somehow acting as if they were funny and not just a little sad, was an indirect way to get myself to confront the issue.

When I finally realized that what was once a great source of pleasure had become an unhealthy obsession, I pretty much cut wine out of my life for 6 or 7 years. I stayed in one tasting group that met monthly, and stayed on the Rhys list, but that was it. I went from an active participant on a few wine forums, to not ever visiting the sites. I wouldn’t even set foot in a wine store. I avoided my wine geek friends, both in person and online (that was by far the hardest part). But by avoiding all sources of temptation, I managed to keep a hobby from turning into a financial disaster.

As I’ve stepped back out into the wine world in the past couple of years, I’m finding it much easier to maintain a sense of moderation and perspective. In part because I’m conscious of not repeating the mistakes of the past, but also because it has been like the old tale of frogs and pots of water.

I was out of the market long enough that the huge increases in pricing on many of the wines I used to buy is makes it pretty easy to pass on them. It helps that foolish overbuying left me with plenty of wines from somewhat older vintages. And there is still plenty of great, age-worthy wine available at relatively inexpensive prices.

TMI, I know. And most people have enough sense and discipline that they are unlikely to make the same mistakes I did. But as much as we as wine geeks bond over sometimes nervous laughter joking about our (over)spending habits (and I still do it, though my laughter is more nervous than it used to be), it can be a real problem for some. Don’t stop joking. But if the jokes hit too close, view it as an opportunity for a little self-reflection.

There will always be another great vintage. And it is much better to miss out on owning a few vintages of great wines than on a few years of time with great friends.


We are creating a wine club and want you to join. Soon.

Sounds genius - free storage and low shipping.

It does seem excessive, but maybe it’s not. Is Garycbabybeamer a good friend of yours, whom you often entertain? Do you earn 8 figures annually? Do you brush your teeth with Riesling because you find that its high acidity helps scrub Cal. Cab. stains from your cuspids?

If you answered Yes to any of the above questions, then you, sir, might not have a buying problem.

that’s what I was thinking

Not really. Most people here probably spend too much on wine but not in a way that is seriously compromising what should be more important priorities. I don’t think very many people here are blowing the rent money on wine, or raiding their kids’ college fund to buy more wine, or racking up credit card debt, etc. If you spend too much on wine, the solution is just to … spend less on wine. It’s not really that hard to do if you actually want to do it, most people just don’t want to. Everyone pretending that they have a “problem” obscures the few people who really do have a serious problem and need help.

Well if you are going to put it that way…when was the last time we were serious around here anyway?

I know I have no space left. I squeeze cases into every available nook and cranny of the wine cellar. Unfortunatley it has spilled off to offsite storage. I keep on accumulating. It has no financial impact - just a logistics impact.

First goal - get away from offsite storage. Second goal - see most of the floor of the wine cellar.

Want to sell any of those 2001 Rieslings? [highfive.gif]