PLEASE READ Some changes on the server (now on SSL, site-wide)

When I am on the wine talk topics page, I get the lock; when I click on a thread, the lock goes away.

Same here Neal.

That’s normal - you still see the https though, correct?


I am all set, everything is perfect, thanks for the help Todd!

For the tech challenged, like me:

(1) Clear your history and cookies. Then go to WB and log in.
(2) If you have WB bookmarked on a laptop etc…right click and edit the bookmark and change the URL.
(3) Go to WB on your iphone and log in, then “Add to Home Screen”, then you can get rid of the former button for WB and use the new one.

+1 and this is after I deleted all my previous cookies.

It WILL settle in with the login cookies - it’s a browser issue, so it might take time for your browser cache/cookies to settle in.

I’ve amended the template file a bit more, so now most pages still show the lock when on them, but there are a few remnant images and such that will prevent the lock image from showing in the address bar, so it will take me some time to hash it all out

So after manually overriding it, I see the lock but it’s ‘unlocked’…even though it’s https.

As I wrote here - - I’m working on finding all the images/icons that don’t have https in their location, then purging the cache. Some pages/threads are working fine, some are not yet. Will take some scouring to find them all

As I said above, I am still getting that indicator that “this page is trying to load scripts from unauthenticated sources” in the right side of the url box. Only there on WB. I don’t see anything that is missing (ads, maybe?) so I am not inclined to override it.

Sounds good. I’m not too worried about it - just wanted to pass along what I was seeing on my end.

for some reason(s), Chrome’s security protocol still does not consider the implementation here as “Secure” by its standards.

There are remnant images and ads that don’t show as secure, so I’m trying to hit the code to figure them out one by one.

Thx Todd

Yeah I did that too but didn’t seem to fix the problem using Chrome on Macbook.

I has to click login each time in chrome on Mac as well. Don’t have to actually type in credentials, just click login. Not a huge deal.

Just checking, the insecure site is still up? My main iOS book mark still works.

Want to clarify, I have to locate all bookmarks or saved urls and change them? In each browser? I use three or four across desktop and mobile devices.

Yes, you can go to either URL, with s or without s - typically the server will automatically change you over to the https, however, once you click a saved link

Many thanks. I think you just got the prize for fastest email response ever!!

Still have to log in eveytime on IPhone.