I had several days of Peruvian food. Nothing swanky. Just local cuisine. Great stuff.
I loved …
Aji de Gallina - a stew of chicken and golden pepper sauce. Can’t really describe this. The sauce is like a veloute. So wonderful.
Lomo Saltado - loin of beef marinated and grilled with papas fritas. Oh my. This is good. The beef is uniformly just OK in Peru however.
Aguadito de Pollo
Soupa de Quinua - incredible
Caldo de Gallina
Soupa Criolla
Apanado de Alpaca - delicioso
Papas con Uchullachua - with purple potatoes just exquisite
Trucha - Trout . This is incredible in the Sacred Valley . Fresh . Any way it is prepared it is one of the best things on the menu.
Cuy - I tried it. Like a very fatty rabbit. Not for me however
Washed down with Cusquena beer from Cuzco this cuisine is such a wonderful experience.