
I am making this recipe, salmon with melted leek and beurre blanc. The recommended pairing is meursault or other Oaked white burgundy… but I am wondering if an old lopez white rioja or a white rhone may work. I have Lopez gravonia '09, tondonia '04, tondonia '05, paul jaboulet aine crozes hermitage mule Blanche '17, 2010 bouchard Pere chassagne montrachet, or would be open to other possibilities (trimbach gewurz cuvee des seigneurs de ribeaupierre 2000 or 2001? Others?)… Any thoughts?

Of your options I’d do LdH Blanco…but depending on where the salmon is from, the salmon fat content in PNW is so high, I prefer left bank Bordeaux with salmon, I’d just avoid using too much beurre blanc.

Well, if there are any Lopez nerds in here, I would wonder if the '04 or '05 tondonia would be better, or the '09 gravonia… since all are white I would think any would work, but hoping one would shine above the others.

I’d drink the 2004, personally.

And I guess if anyone has time to kill and wants to look at other possibilities, check out what I have in my cellar. There are some bottles (including those Lopezes) that I dont have listed but this is most of what I have. If anything else looks incredibly perfect as a pairing, I may try it either alongside the Lopez or instead of it.

I’ve developed a preference for really toned-down dishes for great chard/white burg (sole veronique is my fav with white burg). I’d go with a bolder wine for that dish such as great white northern rhone. A mature white bdx would be amazing. IMHO.

We make quite few similar, or with variations, salmon dishes at home. Drink mostly anything available from white Burgundy to red ones. Am a fan of LdH whites, but never tried with salmon dish. Looking forward to whatever wine(s) you end up with and your impressions.

Gravonia and Tondonia scratch different itches for me … gravonia is fresher/brighter and tondonia more complex/intellectual.

If the dish is very rich and mild, I might go for the gravonia for the cut. If it’s more herbal/aromatic/garlicky then I’d open the tondonia.

I’d also open the wines ahead. It’s not essential but those are young for ldh.

I do have some 2016 and 2017 doisy daene (their dry white bdx)… another thought :thinking:

Some nice choices in your cellar, as already noted. Different options might include the 2007 Prum WS Kabinett, and the 2017 Giacosa Arneis.

The 2010 Louis Michel 1er might not be bad, or the older meursault.

Ooh and my 2005 chateau fieuzal blanc… decisions, decisions

Realized I did not ever follow up on this post! I went with the Lopez '09 Gravonia which was very, very good, though young. Hard to find that kind of high quality combined with QPR in a white wine pretty much anywhere else in the world. It was a wonderful pairing with the food as well. Cheers, and thank you all for your help!