Pairing Advice needed for sauce with gastrique.

When asking for a pairing suggestion for duck, the most common answer is Pinot. A very common answer here on WB is “Depends on your sauce”. And tonight for my wife’s birthday I’m making Canard à la Bigarade AKA Duck a l’orange .

(Basically adding gastrique + juice from bitter oranges to flavor an integral sauce made of duck parts and brown beef stock, heavily reduced, finished w/ butter. So it’s supposed to be somewhat sweet & sour, the only sugar is from the caramel in the gastrique and a bit from the bitter oranges.)

So for a gastrique & citrus flavored sauce, what are the pitfalls? Does anyone have any obvious suggestions or previous experience? I’m assuming I need to avoid tannins. TYIA

A strong consideration for a slightly aged white Bordeaux from Pessac-Leognan like a 2016 Smith Haut Lafitte Pessac-Leognan Blanc.

It could be one of those times where you can serve a sweet wine with the main course: Sauternes, Jurançon, Loupiac, etc.

Sémillon is always a good choice. Or a very flavorful Sauvignon Blanc.

Was recommended and had the 2019 Major Valdiguié with seared duck breast with blood orange caramel sauce. The sauce was probably a little sweeter than what you’re planning on, but it was a terrific pairing.