P. Usseglio CdP 2007 test drive: wipe out!

In the name of science, I cracked one of these. Sipping (carefully) on it right now. Updates to Robert’s southern Rhone thread gave me the impetus.

I kinda liked it in May 2011, served lightly chilled, but I did get some vodkaesque notes. Let’s see what it shows two and half years later…

P. Usseglio CdP 2007
Leaping lizards, this is rocket fuel! There’s jammy raspberry and Grenachey aromas with a hint of heat, but it is the palate that’s ridiculously boozy and hot. The finish actually burns. Seriously. It’s not especially sweet and the body is fairly lithe, but that booze! It really tastes more like a cordial or a cosmo cocktail than wine.

It was a long devolution, but it was the 2007 southern Rhones that finally killed any remaining credibility certain critics held in my book.

Well, were you listening to this while drinking it?

Thanks, Pat, for confirming that neither was my bottle nor my palate shot! :wink:

This wine has only gotten progressively worse, much worse. It’s undrinkable.

Now I’m worried about my Mon Aieul bottlings from '07.

I totally concur. Fortunately for me I only have 5 bottles of 2007 CdP left.

You mean the 100 point 2007 Mon Aieul?

Maybe that point scale is really the octane level. [basic-smile.gif]

Really too bad, since P. Usseglio has made some great wines in the past. I hope the Mon Aieul (2007) is better than the Tradition (I have 3 bottles somewhere), although I don’t doubt the alcohol level is high.

Also reduced my confidence in the critics Parker and Jeb Dunnuck (who specifically tasted this bottle after comments from several of us on the old Parker Board). But even Josh Raynolds gave it 92 points, but then he seems to be immune to alcohol as well.

I bought 6 of the MA and popped 1 immediately on release. I do not recall noticing the alcohol on the MA as badly as I did with the base domaine. Have not had another since then. Wonder if I should check in or chuck 'em on CC. What a shame as the 2001 MA that I popped a little over a year ago was spectacular.

Yes, we had the 2001 Mon Aieul a couple of years ago and it gave the 2000 Brunel Centenaire a run for its money, although clearly the style was different.


This is worsening with air and pairing it with Thanksgiving leftovers is a bad idea-- it showcases the alcohol.

I think this has really gone down hill since I tried it in 2011. The fruit seems to have faded, letting more of the heat come through.

I own one bottle of the 07 Mon Aieul (point chaser that I was, got it for like $70 from PC), would be very curious what folks think of it these days.

Sadly the last 07 MA I had, about a year ago, was a train wreck. Specifically something secondary going on in the bottle, presumably primary as the wine still seemed sweet to me…and very alcoholic.

Adam Lee
Siduri Wines

I have not liked a single 2007 I’ve had. Luckily, I own zero.


The entire 2007 vintage in the S. Rhone was a disaster for me - worse than 2003. I liked the overlooked 2004 much more.

I bought six of the 2007 Vieux Telegraphe and some Roger Sabon and Domaine La Milliere. I liked all of these at the first tasting but haven’t opened any recently. I also was intrigued by the Beaucastel at the initial horizontal tasting but didn’t buy any. I have hopes for the Vieux Telegraphe although it is not a traditional vintage.

You give me hope. The only 07s I’ve got are VT & Milliere. Not opening any until 2017 or so.
BTW I popped a 2009 Usseglio Tradition last month and it was quite nice without any vodka!

The '07 Mon Aieul is one I bought a case of, drank one and flicked the rest for a very tidy profit!

One of the better descisions I have made.

The '07’s were pretty hot price wise for a bit, until people actully started to drink them, now most of them are nigh on unsaleable…

I have Beaucastel, VT, Pegau, Pignan and Rayas and I’m still hopeful for all. Pignan is stunningly good.

Any recent discussions on the Parker Board regarding this CDP vintage?

The 07 Rayas and Pignan are beautiful bottles but then again the Rayas style is always so feminine so never to sweet or boozy.

Not to be confused with Secrets de Pignan VV by La Bastide Saint Dominique, which is another bottle of rocket fuel! I gave mine away and now feel guilty about it! [wow.gif]