Outpost offering out today. Any takers?

2021 True is $200.

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Napa Price Creep here so I’m on the fence even though I love the wines! Regular cab up to $135 from $108 last time…

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The lack of responses here says it all.

$200 for True is a no go for me.


I stopped buying Outpost when they sold to AXA Millésimes, the wine division of the French insurance giant. Too bad, because I liked their wines, but there are so many small producers who are more worthy of my money.


Agree. I bought 2 of the regular 2019 Cabernet but that’s it for me.
Shipping on one bottle to southern Ca. was 45.00.

I recently opened a 2014 Outpost Cabernet Sauvignon and it wasn’t in my top 50 wines of 2023. Is TRB still the winemaker?

Wow - they must be driving it down themselves for that charge . . .



I still am in the Cimarossa wine club, but that is the only Howell Mountain I’m buying

Yes, he’s still the winemaker.

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I bought the Immigrant bottling- equal splits of Cab Franc, Merlot, Cab Sauv- it’s one of my fave Napa bottles.
The True got a few 100pt reviews, at $200/btl one could convince themselves it’s one of the lesser expensive options for getting a bottle like that from Napa.
The base Cab has had a lot of price creep, 5-6 yrs ago I thought it was a bargain at $70, but $130! I stopped buying it which is sad.

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WDC has the base ‘19, with promo code for ~$95 shipped, that seems like a decent deal?

What is WDC?

Wine.com - Buy Wine Online - Wine & Wine Gifts Delivered to You with stewardship

Thank you sir.

Are you a buyer at $95? (I havent had outpost, but buy other TRB wines)

No, I’m going to pass,.

2005 was the final vintage I bought winery direct. Prices too high and since the inaugural 1998 vintage the style was moving away from what I preferred. Did love the first couple of vintages though.

Sorry, meant more as, is $95 a good price for the ‘19 base, where if you were looking for introduction to Outpost, you would be interested at that price

Yes, James $95 is a good price. Outpost mailing list charges $135 for the '19 plus outrageous shipping.

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No outpost for me this year

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