One weekend near San Fran - Yosemites or Napa?

Going flight credits expiring so flying down on Nov 12th to San Fran early morning, and back 13th at 8pm…

Thoughts on a couple of days tasting in Napa,or drive over to Yosemites?
Mainly - are the roads still largely open? Glacier point open in mid Nov? How’s Napa mid Nov?

Then, If Napa… thoughts on what wineries to hit up that’s easy to get a reservation/appointment, good to see/drink, and friendly folks?.. If Yosemites any rec on places to stay/eat etc?

Thanks!! [cheers.gif]

Long drive to Yosemite from SF - 4hrs. Short drive to Napa - 30min
Snow in November is a possibility but with the way our weather has been lately you never know.

Stay at the Ahwahnee in Yosemite

Too many options in Napa.

Yosemite is too far. You’ll waste a lot of time on the road and mid-Nov is hit or miss with the weather. I would drive down to Las Gatos and stay there, eat at Manresa, and see if Kevin and the gang have some time to show you around Rhys. Ridge is in the neighborhood, also.

Good call! Was just told by Kevin Nov 12th is pickup day… so it’s wide open for visitors.
Great timing!

Perfect. I’m sure you’ll run into a bunch of board members. Maybe set up an offline dinner that night.

Yosemite could be ranked as one of the most spectacular places on the planet. If you’ve never been there, you owe it to yourself to go. If not this trip, another. It’s under 4 hours from SF, so quite doable in your time frame. That time of year should be beautiful, with lots of color, little to no risk of a storm, few tourists. Glacier point road should still be open (we were just up there a couple weeks ago, it is an amazing, amazing view). You could make arrangements for Yosemite, then depending on weather bail out and do Rhys at the last minute :slight_smile:


It’s actually Los Gatos. neener

Yosemite might have snow which would hamper travel but also the water levels of the waterfalls will be less than the spring(smaller falls). The fall colors might be in play depending on whether we have a colder Oct/Nov and that would be beautiful. Yosemite is majestic and worth the 4 hour drive, but maybe not on this trip. Visit Napa with the grape leaves changing color, after all this is a wine forum!

I agree with others that Yosemite is worth the trip, but too far and not enough time to enjoy it on this schedule. Fall colors are usually good early November but Yosemite’s really not a fall color destination anyway, mostly evergreen.

The SCM suggestion is a really good one.

Agreed that Yosemite is lovely, yet a long drive and subject to weather delays. It’s also extremely popular and often very crowded, though that should be less an issue in November. You might want to review this: Visiting in Fall - Yosemite National Park (U.S. National Park Service) The views and hiking may also be sub-optimal in November.

Napa is always fun, but I agree that the Santa Cruz Mtns are an enjoyable alternative. In addition to Rhys, Ridge is a must stop. Others depend on what area you want to be in (Santa Cruz vs. Los Gatos for example). Unfortunately, Mount Eden doesn’t offer tastings.

There are good options in Sonoma County within 2 hours of SF too. In particular, Russian River Valley, west Sonoma Coast and Dry Creek Valley. The first two best for Pinot and Chardonnay, the latter for Zin and Cabernet.