“Wine is wonderful. Wine is earth and sunshine, frost and harvest. It is solace and celebration.”
Beautiful reflections on wine by Jeanette Winterson. Published today.
in vino veritas
“Wine is wonderful. Wine is earth and sunshine, frost and harvest. It is solace and celebration.”
Beautiful reflections on wine by Jeanette Winterson. Published today.
in vino veritas
I enjoyed that.
Thanks for the link to some well put sentiments reminding me the simplistically put phrases “Life is too short for cheap (or “bad”) wine”.
“The secret is to keep your wine for so long that you don’t remember what it cost when you bought it and you don’t care what it costs now.”
Harder to do with CellarTracker so maybe “keep your wine for so long that what you bought it for then seems cheap now because of how much prices have gone up”.
Interesting read, thanks for posting
Excellent read. Thanks for sharing.
“The secret is to keep your wine for so long that you don’t remember what it cost when you bought it and you don’t care what it costs now.”
Great read, thanks for posting the link.
A really nice read. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks Martin, nice piece.
I have kept most of my wine in the cellar long enough to forget how much it cost. The older I get, the shorter “long enough to forget” becomes. Now if my wife would just stop asking what it’s now worth when I open an old bottle. It’s too easy to find out.
Thank you for posting this Martin, enjoyed reading this and it made me smile.
nicely written.
“We are not on this Earth for long. Enjoyment and happiness matter. Sharing with friends is important. Spending a little more money on a little less wine will increase the good things in life.”
Indeed Suzanne, the most important&beautiful phrase in this article.
Thanks for sharing. One of the better wine articles I’ve read in a long time.
I saw this yesterday. Such a wise reflection of life with wine. A beautiful counterpoint to the excesses of wine geekery that are all too common.
Nice article, thank you Martin for pointing it out.