OK I'm hooked - 2008 AVANTHIA GODELLO (OMfG)

Not quite a full Capital “F”, but a stunningly great white wine nonetheless. Just like with my reds, I like my whites BIG. Normally that means Bewer-Clifton Chardonnays, and some of those big, buttery, oaky Chards from Sonoma (Kistler, etc). Not that this wine is exactly like those, but it’s so rich and tasty that I can’t keep my hands off the stuff.

The best comparison I could come up with would be a bit leaner, more minerally Brewer-Clifton Chardonnay with a nice splash of lime. I assume there has to be oak on the wine given the richness and mouthfeel, but it’s hard to say for sure since it doesn’t stand out as oak. Maybe it’s the lime that masks it - or blends with it. So confusing!! But the STUFF ROCKS!! [wow.gif]

I know there was another Godello thread, but I thought this wine needed it’s own discussion. This is easily the best Godello I’ve had. Not that I’ve had many, but man this stuff is tasty. [worship.gif] [berserker.gif] About $30 - imported by (who else) Jorge Ordonez. One note I read said that the Gil Family (Bodegas El Nido) is involved with the winery. I guess I’m not all that surprised.

Thanks for the note. Never heard of it, but will look for it.

Is this what high end Godello is supposed to taste like? I had this and didn’t freak for it, I was looking for more cut and vibrancy… It was definitely attractive and reminded me of a Ramey Chardonnay but at the moment I was looking for something saltier, fresher, with more snap and attitude.

I am HUGE fan of Albarino and really love the Raul Perez stuff, I am looking forward to finding his La Claudina (Godello). Ever taste?

I’ve had this wine about 6 times now. Still have 4 bottles in the cellar. I have some tasting notes on CellarTracker for it in case you want to read them. Tasty stuff in my book.

Hey Joe,

Are you talking about the La Claudina that I asked about or the Avanthia?

Sorry David. I wasn’t clear. I was talking about the Avanthia.

WHITE wine???

I know… [berserker.gif]

I almost used Ramey Chardonnay as the example instead of B-C. Maybe it’s because I love Ramey Chardonnay so much that the Avanthia worked so well for me.

Have you tried the Bodegas Avanthia Valdeorras Avanthia, which is a Mencia (red) varietal. It gets a capital F. The only thing wrong with the wine is the ugly green color on the label. Powerful, extremely complex “modern” Spanish red wine that could cause you to cuckold that Clio you like so much.

Thanks for the HEADS up Brian, just picked up 4 bottles. Looking forward to trying it.

Hmmm Ramey…the only chard I buy…go figure…

I probably could have guessed [highfive.gif]

PLCB doesnt carry Avanthia [swearing.gif] Paging Carrie!

Look for the Benaza Godello for something with cut and vibrancy.

Brian, its amazing that Ramey came to mind for both of us… the wine really has a lot in common with his RRV and Sonoma Coast “Appellation Series” Chards…