Official Dryuary (Dry January) 2024 Thread

I’ll have to check this out!

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I am on Day 4 now, having started Dry January late on January 7. So far, so good. This Saturday, I will attend a house-warming party for some friends of ours who lived elsewhere for several years but have moved back to Maryland. That will be a test of my resolve, but based on the way things are going now I doubt I will have too much trouble abstaining.

No tunes last night, but I did try some n/a beers with a couple of my wine buddies. The Brooklyn Brewery Special Effects Pilsner was downright delicious. I will be buying more, and not just for Dryuary.

I got home after the tasting and the discovered the downstairs furnace died. It is not worth repairing, so a new furnace will be taking a sizable chunk out of my BerserkerDay budget. It gets installed on Monday. Good thing the coldest weather of the season is coming this weekend! :slight_smile:

Thankfully, we have a second furnace that services the second floor.

On that note, here’s some more Billy Strings. This is an encore from a Halloween gig in Asheville, NC. The band dressed up as LOTR characters and played mostly cover tunes.

This one is the familiar Hobbit theme, Billy Strings-style.

Stay dry, folks!

I mean, seriously, if you didn’t let a friend like that know you were rolling in dry, that’s pretty heartless. I’m sure that individual was looking forward to those wines as much or more than you…

I texted him several times in advance, and told him I’d be bringing my own n/a beer (in addition to a nice mag for him and the wives). He’s just one of those guys…

Day 9 done.

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Going well so far. A N/A beer and a small handful of almonds get me through my worst cravings.

10 days successfully completed here. Glad I was convinced to not move the goal posts last weekend.

My compensation method of choice has been buying more wine. I was hoping to go dry on purchases as well until BD, but definitely feel off that wagon hard.

248 hours down, 496 to go. Officially a third of the way through.

An ancillary benefit to DJ for me is a greatly reduced month of purchasing wine. I buy almost nothing.


Covid has me on Dry January. lol no wine since Saturday. Can I join in the club? I might try to ride out the rest of the month at this point. The thought of drinking wine right now makes me cringe.


Jump on in, the water’s fine!

So are the N/A beers, if you believe what people have been posting here.

Whether or not you decide to stay dry through the end of the month, I hope you feel better soon.

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Welcome! The initiation fee is 1 bottle of DRC to the OP.

I’ve finally found my first N/A Beer that I would avoid - Surreal Brewing Company’s Kolsch. It’s pretty much what I would imagine what a beer flavored La Croix would taste like. The flavor itself is pretty good. There’s just not enough of it. It’s like one of those hopped seltzer waters - which I don’t care for too much.

On the other hand, the Best Day Brewing Kolsch is pretty good. I’ll be buying this again. A little more malty than I like for a Kolsch, but the texture and finish seem to be spot on.

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That was very crystallizing. Thank you!

Methinks he’s one of those guys who “offered” the 2012 Dom knowing you’d decline and he’d get to drink the lion’s share. Not that I’ve ever done that.

I almost bought that the other day. Thank you for taking one for the team.

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The Best Day NA IPA is also pretty good. Very good body and flavor. Nice color. Doesn’t feel watery …

I’m not much of an IPA person, but I do plan on trying them out. Given the profile of the Kolsch, their IPAs might agree with me. Worst case, I leave them around for my IPA drinking friends :wink:

I started my year with the flu and, subsequently, anosmia…
Before this I sat out NYE with a stomach flu, so it hasn’t been that wet of a holiday for me, so I’ll happily do a quiet month until my senses are back.

To everyone else, I wish you good luck —


No wine, no problem.

I did enjoy another Brooklyn Brewery “Special Effects” Hoppy Amber. It was just ok when I tasted it last night with my wine buddies. Tonight I tried it with food, bbq pulled pork to be exact. It was much better. I would buy this again and pair with colder-weather dishes, or chili dogs.

No tunes tonight as I’m typing on my phone.

Stay dry, folks.

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They make drinks now, too!

We might need a dedicated N/A beer thread at one point :smiley:.

Besides not drinking alcohol or eating any sweets, I am also not buying any wine. That has actually shown to be the hardest part.
Going to do very limited shopping in 2024 overall as I have a real space problem and just have cases laying around in suboptimal conditions now :sweat_smile:. But I promised myself the same last year and still bought too much. So lets see…

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I started the month dry as, like many others, I had over-consumed during the holidays. As I get older, I find that my ability to rebound is lessened, so avoiding drinking seemed like a good idea. The first day or two was hard, but I summoned the guilt that my mother instilled in me (do they all do that?!) and found it easier after that. Then, a few days ago, I had a medical procedure that required no alcohol before and after. Now, when I look at a bottle of anything, I’m not in the least bit interested (I hope that changes in a month or so!). My wife likes her daily blood mary, and I’m not in the least tempted to make one for myself, which has her shocked! Anyway, we’ll see how long this lasts.