Official Costco Thread

Omaha area Costco had Chateau Gloria 18’ magnums for 49.97. I bought one but have no idea what to expect.
Other than that nothing interesting in a long time.

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Lincoln Park, IL today:


Thanks for posting, David. Welcome to Wine Berserkers.

Did you pull the trigger on any of those?

Nope - sent by a friend, and I misread it was actually Lincoln Park, Chicago

That Clos du Lican '21 is tempting!

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When we are down at our wintering grounds in AZ, the only Costco anywhere near us is in Prescott. And, for anyone who knows the zeitgeist of that city, it’s not surprising that the selection of wines at that location is usually pretty pedestrian (even by Costco standards). That being said, I can usually find a few reasonably priced daily drinkers to backfill with.

Today was a little more interesting. The selection of whites there tends to be especially uninteresting, unless I find the occasional Kirkland Chablis 1ers. No such luck today. However, lurking amongst the array of over-oaked Cali chards was – believe it or not – a Jurancon Sec! Say what? How’d that get there? Don’t know the producer at all, and it may turn out to be plonk, but I had to pick up a couple bottles of this just to reward the wine buyer for taking a chance on this one. At $16, seems like a small risk. The good news is that, if it turns out to be a find, I’m pretty sure there will still be some left in the bin next time I’m over there.

Also found a pallet stack of Olarra Rioja Gran Reserva (2016), at $13. Not a producer I know all that well (I think there are from around Lagrono). Not often I see almost 10 yr old Rioja GR at that price point. Granted, I ain’t expecting this to be an RLdH, La Rioja Alta, or Muga GR – but I suspect it will still be a pretty good QPR.

Not exactly a pair of earth-shattering finds – but when your expectations are low, it’s nice to find a least something interesting…



Can’t believe I didn’t see this Costco thread before, I go to like 4-5 different costcos around me lol


Olarra has been seen more frequently, at least out west, courtesy of Wine Access and Garagiste.

Those bastards Rich.

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Right! Feel like i havent seen a deal in a long time. Havent been to North Scottsdale in a while but was so disappointed the last handful of times that i don’t bother

Any opinions on the above?


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Lots of notes on the 244.

TL;DR: very solid big house style for the price, but needs some time to integrate.

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Seeing these bottles in open bins makes my feel like a criminal when I go to any Chicagoland Costco!

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Thx I; I’ll take a look at the notes

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Kansas City Midtown Costco just dropped in some Tronquoy 2019 for $31.99. A nice surprise since most of the BDX drops have been '21s at not competitive prices (including the Duclot Collection for '21s which is close-ish to WS average at $8K).

I’m still waiting on a few big name bottles from the 2020 BDX releases to get marked down to their .97 price… it looks like they are waiting a full year on those before giving a discount.

They were cleaned out of the Bollinger Special Cuvee this holiday and now have the entry Pol Roger. I never saw the Roederer 244 and don’t think it ever made it to KC.

The Conversation is very solid, especially at that price.


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At warehouse 471, which has had the footprint of the wine section shrunk.

Lot 74 for the OVR

Splits of Mondavi Napa CS

Angelus I haven’t seen before. Mountain View