Oct 16th-17th OKC Offline in honor of Sacred Cow!!!!!

Greetings to all of my fellow wine lovers. We are now a little less then two months away from our offline to honor Sacred Cow and his upcoming visit to our fair state of Oklahoma. The main event will be Saturday, October 17 ata location that will remain nameless. I will send you all of the details via private message or email separately. We are currently holding a reservation for 20+ and will need to firm that up as much as possible beforehand so please be mindful of this when signing up as we expect you to attend or pay your fair share should you need to withdraw at the last minute. This will be a GRAND event and we’ve worked hard to not only secure for you a great venue but also negotiated ZERO corkage fees as well.

For those of you that will be in town on Friday, October 16th we will be having a much smaller and low-key event that evening. Once again I will private message or email you the details of that event separately as well.

There are a lot of activities and sights to see in Oklahoma City and the surrounding countryside so please plan on coming for a nice, relaxing 3 or 4-day weekend. If you are interested I will provide you with links of things to do and see in the area as well as hotel recommendations and alternative restaurants to visit on your extra nights.

Who is in?

Yours truly,

The Planning Committee

Send me an email at seanr7 at gmail dot com if you want me to send you the links!


I am afraid you will have to drop me from the list. My progress since the wreck is not nearly good enough yet for me to be able to withstand the drive. Who knows by October? If I see that I can make it, I will let you know but it is day by day for me now.

No problem Michael, take care of yourself!!! If you can make it there will always be a spot open for you +!!!

So far it looks like

Joe and Cindy

Chirs P and Kathy

Mike B


me + 1

Maybe David Dain Smith + 1

Mark Stener +1

Rick smith

Anthony +1

I know I am missing a few since the old thread got deleted let me know who is missing!!!

Looks like Freakmott is in!!!

Looks like Rick Smith is out but Mike Sprinkle and his wife are in!

Why is pussanator out? neener

Are you bankrolling my trip?

I think you need to find a hobby that doesn’t cost any money. [pillow-fight.gif]

Or just become a baller like you and Todd.

You must be referring to The Todd, as this Todd was ridiculed for waiting on an airplane ticket to drop $40, and just as expected, 2 days after he bought it, it dropped $40.00

Todd should have waited.

We are a little more then a month away from this offline!! Any more interest?

I am still going to try and make it. I am so hopeful that I have made a hotel reservation. All that remains is to see how I respond to a needle being stuck in my back on the 22nd. If all goes well, I will be there and I am looking forward to it.


Please do me a favor. Please forward this email to all of the attendees of the OKC offline on Oct 17th. So far Michael O’Brien, Chris & Cathy Presutti plus Cynthia and myself are booked at the Hampton Inn Bricktown. It’s brand new having just opened in February and it’s a grand total of 363 feet from the front door of the restaurant so it’s 100% within crawling distance. No driving required. Please encourage all out of town guests to book a room there. That way we can commandeer their breakfast area off the main lobby for a pre and post dinner wine swill. Prepaid room rate for a King bed is $118.15 per night. Full rate which can later be canceled is $139.00 per night. Here’s the link:

http://hamptoninn.hilton.com/en/hp/hotels/index.jhtml?ctyhocn=OKCBTHX" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

5 weeks from today the fun starts!! Would like a those that are going to attend or think they might to email me at seanr7 at gmail dot com. Need to get info out to those that are coming into town about the places to stay and where we are going to be doing this!!!

Also need a head count for the restaurant!

Just a few short weeks away, lets get a head count and start declaring wine!!! Also if I do not have your email please send it to me at seanr7 @ gmail dot com! I will send you a link to where this is all taking place!!!

So what theme did you settle on for Saturday so I can make a declaration? Anything going on Friday?

Bring out your tired, dessicated Old World fruit and the guest of horror will be happy.

No delcarations yet? How about starting us off Sean? Is the menu fixed and is so can you pm it so we could select accordingly? We will certainly need Champagne (and I know who usually brings that), and some great whites and reds; maybe a stickie or two. I can’t wait.