Obama And Italian Wines

Similar to Greg above, one wonders whether the ownership of Mastrojanni (Gruppo Illy) played a role in its selection. And let’s remember that Renzi is from Florence (where he was mayor) and hence the Tuscan wines.

I’m just not a big fan of Brunello, aside from a few select producers. I would rather see a Montevertine wine on the list of four (or Quintarelli Valpolicella, or Mastroberardino, or a Giacosa white label, or so on). But this is why nobody asks me to make such decisions.

I would bet that Tuscan wines get a lot more play here than Piedmont.

Yeah, I think Barack (and Michelle, if I remember right)

Are big fans not only of Italian, but especially Tuscan food and wines. He must have
been genuinely pleased.

I had a bottle of the 2010 Mastrojanni this weekend, it was sublime. Far better than any of its 2010 counterparts (that I’ve tasted of course) It was a dead ringer for the 2006 Poggio di Sotto that we enjoyed the week before. Simply outstanding, I will be ordering this one by the case.