NYC: Loire: June 12th

Finally locked this date down as our dear friend David (of Tempier tasting fame TN: Domaine Tempier offline (nyc) - WINE TALK - WineBerserkers) will be in town.

Loire is awesome. The diveristy of wines. The overall qpr. Diving deep here has been my focus for 2024. I’ve been putting more down a lot more and backfilling. Looking forward to sharing some gems and learning from others.

Date: June 12th
Location: Domaine Harlem. DM me if you haven’t been before
Time: 6:15pm

Working on the menu, but very much cheese and charcuterie are called for. Please bring at least 1 wine from the Loire.

Gavin: Francois Cotat '06 or '02 Grande Cote + Blind White (mag) + Pascal Cotat Rose '09
Joe + Julie: 2 sparklers, 1 red and 1 dessert wine
David: Alphonse Mellot en Grands Champs '14 (mag) + Alphonse Mellot XIX vintage tbd

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Always a great time. I will try but that week is already looking bad.

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One way to make it look better… :slight_smile:

Jun 8 or Jun 13 work for me, away for the rest alas.
Can bring some 2021 Domaine Huet Vouvray Demi-Sec Le Haut-Lieu and maybe some other surprise.

Julie & I are interested but cannot do the 9th or 13th.

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I’ll be away on vacation most of those days but could possibly do towards the end of the dates listed.

updated with date and time


I am excited! bringing 2 sparklers, 1 red and 1 dessert wine.

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Would love to attend but unfortunately I will be traveling for work that week. Hope you all enjoy it!

Will miss ya!

Looking forward to tomorrow. Updating kick-off time to 6:15.

Sorry I’m not going to make this tasting, hope to make the next one.

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This was an amazing evening! Thanks for setting it up @gavin.f

My WOTN was easily the Francois Cotat '06! Lots of change over the hours of air, and it was great whatever state it was in.

You got it! Really was fantastic time.

Also think the Francois Cotat 2006 la grande Cote was my wotn. Thought other favorites also great. Will add some tasting notes as time allows.