Number of CT tasting note views on my recent notes???

I posted a few tasting notes on Cellar Tracker last week. When I went to see how many ‘views’ each note had, I was surprised to see the no-name wines got more views than the ‘name brand’

2010 Dog Point Sauvignon Blanc 84 views

2010 Kono Sauvignon Blanc 96 views

2007 Copain Viognier Tous Ensemble 34 views [shock.gif] [scratch.gif]

I just checked and read that the 2010 Bedrock Wine Co. Sauvignon Blanc Kick Ranch had over 1100 views? Most of the other notes on this wine have <100?

How can the top two wines get more views than the known Copain? Do you think it’s because no one has ever heard of them? Do you think the average CT user isn’t as smart as I (we) give them credit for? Are Copain whites a non-issue?


It could also depend on when you posted them. If a thread gets bumped down the list quickly because other threads are active, or new threads are posted, it may not get as much attention.

If you click the tasting notes tab at the top, I think it counts a ‘viewing’ for all the notes displayed. If this is true It could be that the notes with higher views were posted during higher traffic times.

Nobody but you and I like Viognier. I had an even older Copain Viognier a few weeks ago and it was outstanding.

Must be a Westchester thing. [basic-smile.gif]

Hey, buddy… I love Viognier too… I’m a real Viognier slut… so there… grouphug

I’ve wondered how that `views’ count was determined… does it mean someone clicked on the note? I doubt that… but if not, what??

Yup. Higher traffic with a (relatively) lower amount of new TN’s being posted during that same time interval.

I think a lot of the “views” come from people who actually have that wine in their cellar. So when they login they are more likely to see it. I doubt ‘traffic’ really makes much difference with that number. I for one never look at everyone’s notes. Only notes on wines I am interested in or have in my cellar. Hopefully Eric will drop by and confirm or deny all this.

+1. I think a lot more folks contemplated buying and/or popping a Dog Point over the last few days than could be said of the Copain Viogner

The Bedrock note is almost a month older that the rest (6/12/11), so will tend to have more views the longer the note ages. The real shocker to me is the original poster’s note for the 2010 Bedrock Ode to Lulu Rose, which has 332 views in the two days since it was posted. I’m stumped by that one.

A “view” just means the note was rendered onscreen. That could be on a wine detail page, from the link at the top, or from someone’s home page. I have no idea why some might be seen more. Google drives a LOT of traffic to CT.

Maybe it’s the number of times Snooth had to look at it to get it copied correctly? [stirthepothal.gif]

Now that you’ve posted here and we’ve all gone and looked, I’m sure that the statistics are even better. Good show!

My first thought was that the community holdings for the first two would be greater than for the last one, which would increase the odds that a note shows up in somebody’s home page view if they select “show notes on wines that I own” as their default filter. The numbers on the wines you have, however, seem to not support that, so call it cosmic fluctuations.
