(Now booked) Looking for Speyside visit Recommendations (and your favorite Speyside whiskys)

Ashley and I will be heading up to the Highlands in a couple weeks. Our journey will include 3 nights in Speyside — by design, of course. [wink.gif]

Has anybody here been to Speyside? I’m wondering if there are any “can’t miss” distillery visits that I should make sure we include on our tour. I’m not super-familiar with the Speyside distilleries (there’s just so many of them!), so I’m also interested in simply hearing about your favorite Speyside whiskys, too.

TIA. [berserker.gif]

Seriously? Don’t you have a new baby? Don’t you realize that means putting your life on hold til she’s 18 at least?

Who the f$&k do you think you are that you can just go on enjoying everything you did before she was born?

Have a great trip!

Glengoyne was good but it has been quite a few years. We were lucky enough to get a one on two tour as the guide needed a warm up before a bus load of tourists arrived. I picked the ones who whiskey I liked as you are generally offered a “wee dram”.

I was trying to hit the like button on the Dietz post- where is the like button???

I love Speyside whisky. They’re mostly if not all sweeter, more floral and unpeated. I love light peat in whisky too but my overall preference is for non-peated. My favorites are:

  • Glenlivet 21 Archive
  • Balvenie 21 Portwood
  • Tomintoul 21
  • Glenfiddich 30
  • The Glenrothes 1988
  • The Macallan 18

Have fun on the trip.

You guys are knuckleheads! [pillow-fight.gif]

Little Jerry has to learn to like whisky eventually, so I figured we should start him off on his whisky education early — and what better place than in Speyside!?! [berserker.gif]

Jay & Tran,
Thank you for your replies. :slight_smile: