Nine Suns Live Oct. 27th

This is the 2012 vintage. I’m curious!

Interested in this myself. Wish they gave an idea on pricing. I have to think well north of $100.

I will be surprised if it comes in at less than $225. That seems to be the price floor for new projects in that neighborhood.

I got the fancy mailer and did not even look at it yet. It’s Prichard Hill fruit right? Anyone have a chance to taste this?

3-pack for $750 in a collectible cardboard box.

Not sure if I will bite at this price. I guess the Realm release price for this vineyard will be in the same range.

Collectible cardboard box? That’s a new one. If you’re not going OWC, styro is fine. Don’t think I’ll be cellaring cardboard any time soon.

Huge +1, I toss these out all the time. That tariff is beyond my capacity.

*note - I realize wineries have packaged in custom cardboard before, I’ve just never seen it advertised as some kind of value add.

Realm wins the day for awesome non-OWC packaging for me.

The Realm packaging was pretty intense. Although, much of it was saved for my son Ryan as it had a nice R in the cardboard and cut out in the styro.

Thus did not take a look at the mailer… Who is making the wine?

I would have happily purchased, but they are only shipping to a handful of states.

Apparently the world doesn’t have enough $250-per-bottle Cabernet. Sigh.

Sam Kaplan.

This is going to age extremely well.

FWIW, Stones No. 2 from Fairchild is also from this vineyard, and it’s $250

P.S. in for my 3 pack

Would 2 other members that are interested but don’t want the full three be willing to go in for one each with me?

I’m taking a shot on this. Just was with Sam Kaplan in Napa tasting through Memento Mori and Arkenstone. He’s doing great stuff right now and I take his word that this is a very special project.

Smart move for sure. I’ve tasted this twice, and it’s got serious aging potential. Also having had his other projects, all the wines are distinct, and would agree that this is his best project.

There is no wait on their list. Sign up and immediatly receive an allocation of 2 3 packs at 750 each…Ouch

if anyone is waiting on a parker score, it could be a while. he did not taste/review this release.

Does it need one?

Somewhat of a thread drift…

I think by the time the Parker scores make this a “must-own”, Parker won’t be rating Cali any more, or possibly anything for that matter.
Sure, is it harder to build a brand without Parker, but it’s more healthy to the long term of a winery.