Next weekend I will be spending a day in Bandol

I will be visiting Pibarnon and Pradeaux. Anything in particular I should be looking for at these wineries?

Oooooh DEFINITELY look for wine.

/just sayin’


///in a “mood” this am

////got nuthin’

You mean Pibarnon, right? If so, the wines are great at both estates and the view at Pibarnon is breathtaking.

If you have a daughter the owners of Pibarnon are nobility, just in case you or your wife would like to introduce your daughter as the Comtesse of XXXX.

Seriously - Still trying to get out there, so enjoy your visits Howard.

Yes, sorry. I will correct it.

My daughter is 23 and will not be with us. I guess I will bring pictures?

Check out these far less famous kids, if you have the time. They are making some very interesting stuff:" onclick=";return false;

Oh for goodness sake visit Tempier as well Howard!

We tried. They don’t take visitors on Saturday, when we will be there.

Howard; Do you need a reservation for Pibarnon?? Please post about your experience…

Marshall [thankyou.gif]

Yes, superb!

I import Pibarnon and have visited the Domaine many times. You should have a great time. Make sure to try their white wines, and any older vintages of their red.

Also, be prepared to get lost. The winery is on a never ending windy road.


domaine OTT is right around the corner from Tempier…(relatively) I enjoyed a wonderful visit to Tempier in 07 with my wife and Ott was nice as well.

Enjoy your time there