New Winemaking book by a Berserker - anybody read it?

Here is your chance to live the dream and write your own book!

Hirsch looking for Interns:

This book will make the perfect gift for a friend that’s hosting a cellar cleanout in the summertime. Thanks for the bump.

Just ordered a copy. I’m looking forward to reading it.

Way to sell the position! Not sure if the haunted caretaker cottage is on offer for 2016, but I’m sure the rat cage is…

Picked up the kindle version. Great read. A lot to enjoy in this book, but my favorites… One, it’s a very frank and blunt look behind the curtain - a look into a part of the wine business that a typical customer doesn’t get to see. I also thought it was cool that Darren talked about the wines he was drinking.

Uh, no. Since bookstores went the way of Jurassic Park, you can’t find things to read anymore.

But he kept leaving out vintage information. We get the name of the wine but not the date. Sigh

2007 would be my guess.

Awesome job on the book Darren! I’m going to buy the Kindle version now!!!