New Winebid Site - Keep it or lose it?

I just logged onto Winebid tonight and can’t really get a handle on the new site design. Maybe I just got used to the old layout in terms of information and structure.

Do you like the new site?
Do you find it as useful as the last version?
Do you find it more ‘social’ in structure then ‘utility’?

Like most people I am resistent to change, but I think it has many improvements and only a few detractions from the old site.

They seem to have resolved a few of the problems from the initial peek but I still prefer the old. I can’t stand it when “upgrades” actually eliminate functionality or information that was available before. My latest annoyance is the replacement of the “uncontested” indicator with an asterisk showing whether any bottles are uncontested, as opposed to the previous listing which actually told you how many. All to save a few bytes? Why??

I doubt that is the reason.

Thats actually my biggest issue. More information needs to be displayed on the search results page without having to drill into the details.

The cynic in me says that is a way they hope to drive up bidding. If one knows there are 8 left, then one might wait to bid thinking you can take one/some for the minimum. If one doesn’t know how many, then one may bid to make sure you lock up some before they are gone.

I don’t think so, it seems to have the opposite effect on me - I assume they are all uncontested until clicking on the listing and discovering only some are. And as a general rule I’ve been more inclined to bid on uncontested lots than lots with bidders, but maybe that’s just me.

When the beta version went live, I tried it out. Emailed them my concerns and frustrations, and got a nice email back essentially telling me to go suck an egg. I used the site last night to do my periodic search for a few wines of interest. It works, but is not nearly as clean or easy as the old site. Nothing about it is “better” for me, and the colors/layout/background are all much more annoying.

I found the old winebid site to be very efficient, reasonably attractive, and quite reliable. If they wanted to add a few new features, it’s a pity they felt the need for a complete redesign. In my opinion, if they had a professional consult for them in putting this together, they should ask for their money back.

I’ve adjusted to the change… had to learn a few things, e.g., to `tack’ my favorites list up… but otherwise, I’m ok with it…

Definitely find the new layout cumbersome and definitely not finding bargains like I was used to last few years.

I’ve had some similar complaints now that I’ve looked at it a few times. Some of my main issues are similar to what you guys outline in the previous posts: 1) Not seeing enough/similar information on the lot offer, 2) No clear messaging about total bottle availability, 3) Overall layout and function.

Another issue is the search results. I routinely check all of the ‘Washington’ wines each week to see what is on offer. Usually Quilceda Creek, Leonetti and Cayuse dominate the listings and are always returned back in alphabetical order. With the new site, the search results kick back this: Shop All Wine Available This Week | Auction & Buy Now" onclick=";return false; (might not work properly - if so, just search ‘Washington’ in the search area)

The only logic which seems apparent to the search results is total match or total rank. Maybe Quilceda Creek lots have more ‘Washington’ descriptors then Leonetti, I dunno. Either way, no bueno for me.

Also, the entire lot area just seems to be lacking. There is very little useful information in the general view:" onclick=";return false;

The one improvement I see is that they tell you what you’ve won and what is shipping in each box as well as the anticipated cost of shipping.

It’s a big improvement and something I’m not sure why they didnt incorporate before.

However, I hate the look of the new site and can’t figure out why they did away with Advanced Search.

Hadn’t noticed that… very cool…

Yes, I do like the ability to see only the lots you’ve won on the lot tracker.
Alan, can you post the suck-an-egg email here? Just curious.

I hate it a bit less now that I configured my view and have my saved searches back.

Seeing how many bottles you are due is a plus so you can round off those twelve pack at the last auction of the month … too many time I massed up and ended up with 13 bottle shipments …

The white screen is blinding me! I need sunglasses! Bring back the old natural tan background!

After using it for 2 weeks I can confidently state that I hate it. Functionality is fine but the screen is so busy that I find it annoying to use. Why do they have to have disappearing buttons that require a mouseover to appear? Why do they need all the photographs? The old cleaner site design was head and shoulders above the current layout.

On the plus side I’m much less tempted to bid so I’m saving money.

Lose it. The apparent random (i.e., non alphabetical) listing of search results is beyond annoying.

+1 to both Keith’s and Jay’s posts.

Just squint, as I do. [snort.gif]

Geez… it’s almost like the Beta of CellarTracker… [tease.gif] [tease.gif]