New Mailer - Arkenstone Vineyards

I’ll be visiting in October.

I’m definitely not drinking the Kool-Aid on this one.


Got the offering and passed. Wrong time; wrong minimum purchase; wrong price. From everything I heard though…I hope one or more of those factors change but it sounds like it will be killer juice. I’m going to try to stop by next time in Napa.

Initially passed, and would do so again. Carlisle and Sojourn have cleaned out my shrinking wine budget and now it is time to start saving for Sandler and then for the whole rinse and repeat starting in January.

I can see the situation everyone is in. On the “other board” I see that people are scoffing at $325 for Bryant’s new 98-point score for their 2006. Just a year ago it could have sold out as a NEW offering at that price with that score. The world is changing quickly, and as I predicted, the high-end wine world will not be recovering even as the stock market goes higher and housing shows signs of bottoming.

But if any of you are coming up to Napa, give Arkenstone a ring, or write the winemaker, Sam Kaplan, and ask to look around and try the wines. You will be really impressed by the property, vineyard and facility. They are going to be around a while.

what was the score and who scored it?


I scoff at Shafer HSS at $240 and Bryant not even worthy of scoffing neener

Seriously, I have the opportunity to get out to Sacramento and will try to stop by and try the wine. I really do not care about points, you can’t drink em anyway. If the wine is good to me, the next step is it worth the price (to me) and that value proposition is a tough one for wines north of $100. Just the new consumer reality as I think it got out of hand to the upside for sure.

Well, I just received this wine last week and against all conventional wisdom (travel shock, etc.) i popped and poured both the cab and the sb over the last few days. i did not take detailed notes but was VERY impressed with both. the cab (06), while drinking very well out of the gate, was definitely not in an overripe/hot style. it struck me as having plenty of tannic backbone to go for a while. the sb (also an 06) was also delicious, nice and crisp, classic grapefruit and lemon and bracing acidity. if i were doing points i’d be in the 93-96 range for both. [welldone.gif]

Roy set up a tasting for me and dan at Arkenstone with Sam. Really cool facility and one of the 3 07 Obsidian barrels we tried was stunning. A mouthful of minerals and acidity with sweet strawberries and a nice backbone of tannin. Pretty good stuff.

Rolling up there tomorrow…will see what is up.

if you stare at the row of barrels… first barrel on your right for the obsidian is the one i <3

Thanks for taking one (correction, two) for the team, Craig! Even though I passed, I am glad to hear the style sounds like one I would like. [cheers.gif]

Bill, did you end up visiting Arkenstone?

Actually, no we did not. We bailed as Kristi and I were basically tired of driving up winding mountain roads at that point.

The Obisidian was very good, and the faciility is AMAZING.

I wouldn’t pay >$100 though…no way…just buy more Maybach instead

Yeah but is the vineyard next to a well-known producer’s vineyard?

If so, it’s worth buying at any price. [stirthepothal.gif]

I just sent Arkenstone my black Amex card and told them to do their worst…

I seeeee youuuuu!!! [beee.gif]

Actually, it is Maybach that is next to the famous vineyard. If you count Dalla Valle as famous, which I do. neener

Just pulled the trigger on a 3 pack of Obsidian.