New Book on Piedmont

I don’t remember seeing this mentioned on the forum, but it is possible that I have missed a thread, so apologies if it has already been covered? Knowing the number of people with a fondness for all things Piedmont/Piemonte, I thought that I should mention it. I dropped in to Tom Maresca’s ‘Tom’s Wine Line’ blog the other day and he featured a new book by Tom Hyland: ‘The Wines and Foods of Piemonte’ which was released a couple of months ago. I’ve since been in touch with Tom to order a copy and while currently out of stock, he has a new print run coming through shortly. A google search for the ‘Tom’s Wine Line’ blog or Tom Hyland’s own ‘learnitalianwines’ blog should give you all the details.


It’s not on Amazon, so it’s probably self-published. That would explain why it hasn’t come on people’s radars. It sounds interesting.

Here’s a link to the Maresca review for those who don’t want to hunt for that.

It is a very nice, well-written book meant to be carried with you when you go. It covers all of Piedmont, not just B&B. It has restaurant recos as well. Unfortunately for me, it came just after I got back from my trip. And by coincidence, it came the same day as Suzanne Hoffman’s book, so I was a bit overwhelmed. I would recommend both to anyone who loves the region.

Cover food as well as wine - check
Covers the whole of Piemonte, not just B&B - check

Sounds very interesting indeed. If he lists prime mushroom foraging sites as well then it would be perfect ;¬)

p.s. as I just checked on the details (via his twitter page mentioned above), it seems fair to share the info:
"The cost of the book is $40. This includes the cost of shipping within the United States and Canada. In Europe, Asia or elsewhere, add $15 for shipping charges. "

I have his Beyond Barolo and Brunello and found it very useful.

FYI - this book is now available for Kindle at a very reasonable price of $12.95 compared to the print edition. Enjoy

Thanks for the tip! Just picked one up with some amazon giftcard credit I had.

Tom is a great guy and a friend of mine in Chicago. We have shared many great champagnes together at a local thai restaurant.

Tom is a lover of italian wines and I have no doubt the book is fantastic. I feel bad for not buying it yet!

Tom also JUST released his new Champagne book “the essence of champagne”. I have no doubt it is fantastic as well.
