Need recomendations for Sta. Rita Hills

I will be staying in Buellton this weekend to do some wine tasting. Can I get some recommendations for the area. I prefer non-appointment but if there is some where I cannot miss which is by apt. let me know. Any thoughts on tasting in the Lompoc wine ghetto? For you folks in the industry could you direct me to “industry-friendly” tasting rooms, people who like to trade or reciprocate discounts. Thanks in advance for your recommendations.

The Wine Ghetto is now up to 13 wineries, i believe. The Taste of Santa Rita Hills in the Ghetto carries wine from wineries like us who are by appointment only. For Lunch or dinner, Sissy’s on i Street in Lompoc. Best SRH wine list. On 246 you have Foley, Mellville and Babcock. On Santa Rosa road you have Sanford, Lafond and Alma Rosa. Try Avant at the end of Industrial Way in Buellton in the Terravant wine facility. Tapas menu and they have about 36 wines by the glass. [cheers.gif]

read this starting at flight 8

Just did the Lompoc ghetto a few weeks ago. Don’t miss Samsara. The best wines we tasted by a wide margin, I thought.

Contact Beckmen (and Mikael Sigouin), Larry Schaffer and Dave Corey asap. That would get you off to a good start.

I highly recommend visiting Sanford and Alma Rosa, plus they are in a gorgeous valley full of the best vineyards in the area (Sanford & Benedict, Cargasacchi, Ampelos, Sea Smoke, La Rinconada, etc.). Both are easy for walk-in visits.

Beckmen is a nice drop-in tasting room, a little outside of Los Olivos.

In downtown Solvang, there is a Curran / D’Alfonso tasting room which isn’t much of a place, but the wines are good and interesting, particularly the white varietals.

Good recommendations, although none of these places are actually in SRH, but not far away - Beckmen is in Los Olivos, as has been noted, and Larry and Dave are both in the Santa Maria area, about 1/2 hour from Buellton. Second the recommendation for Alma Rosa - and I’ve stopped in there and traded wine a couple of times. I’d recommend Ampelos too.

Dragonette, Loring & Pali would also be good if you’re in Lompoc.

Don’t take this the wrong way, David, but it seems odd to me on the one hand that you want drop in, no appt places but on the other hand you are looking to get free tastings/industry discounts. Wouldn’t it make more sense to properly and politely introduce yourself beforehand and make appointments with wineries if you are expecting preferential treatment?