Need help trying to move up Kosta Browne Wait List

Anyone have any pull with Dan or Michael? Been on the wait list for 2 years and from my research, sounds like it will take another 3-4 just get access to the appellations. I’ve met a few people along the way who have been able to bypass the wait list and become full-time members with just a simple, random conversation with either Dan or Michael at a tasting event. Did that work for anyone? Trying to move up as quickly as I can, love the wines, hate paying retail and feel like I lose interest if I have to wait anther 3-4 years. Appreciate the feedback!

How about we just send you some…free. We would hate for you to lose interest, especially given those poor sods who have been waiting patiently in front of you.

Don’t worry, by the time you get on you’ll have lost all interest in the wines completely. Perhaps after realizing they turn into steaming pruny messes with a few years in the cellar and are chemically unstable enough they can’t last a day after opening without a total flavor collapse (even gassed). (Do I sound bitter? No, I’m just thankful I realized this without having been on the list too long.)

Thx Dave, but I wasn’t looking for the moral police.

This has actually surpassed someone offering to get an importer friend to talk to a dead man about drinking windows as the craziest thing I’ve read on this board today.

While you’re waiting, get yourself on the mailing list at Ketcham. We call Ketcham the poor man’s KB. Michael Browne used to make the Ketcham and trained the current wine maker. Ketcham makes Russian River and Ketcham Estate Pinot Noirs that are very similar to the KB wines, just doesn’t have as many single vineyard wines. The Russian River PN is a drink early PN with typical RR dark berry and cola, good acidity and lingering finish. The Estate PN needs at least one year to come into its own and when it does, it’s gorgeous. I have no idea how good it will be after 2 years as we go through it too quick. If you get a chance to get to the Russian River area, call ahead and set up a tasting with Mark (Ketcham). He’s a great guy who will give you the shirt off his back.

You’re not on a wait list at an exclusive golf course as well? Perhaps we could get you moved up that one too, we’re a pretty industrious mob here at Berserkers.
Best Regards

Plenty of access available. Just send me your bank account routing numbers… [berserker.gif]

Drink some of Todd French’s Mollydooker while you wait patiently for KB to open up. He is very generous with those delicious Aussie Gems. [cheers.gif]


If you change your name to Janette these guys will be much more helpful.

In all seriousness I don’t have any idea if approaching either Dan or Michael would help you move up the list or not but I have some SVD stuff if you’re interested send me a PM.

I’d ignore the rest of the [bullshit.gif]

Save yourself some time and money and lose interest now… was on the wait list for several years… decided that there were more affordable fish in the sea, and I liked them better than KB to boot.

[rofl.gif] [welldone.gif]

“Oh Janette, I’d move you up my list anytime!!!”