Some of my followers on Facebook know that I’ve been building a wood-fired oven this year. I’ve got build threads documented on and both of which have been very helpful, but I want to get caught up here due to so many Berserkers who’ve expressed and interest.
The basic design comes from Forno Bravo’s Pompeii Oven design, which is more of a set of design guidelines than it is a specification. It’s great of them to make this information public, as well as hosting a forum for amateur oven builders, given they are in the oven building business themselves. Every builder at Forno Bravo puts their own unique fingerprint on the design, and the sum of their knowledge is captured on the forum.
The overwhelming design philosophy at Forno Bravo’s forums favors a Tuscan-style oven (high dome/hemispherical profile) where serious pizza people favor a Neopolitan-style (low dome/elliptical or three-centered arch profile). The Forno Bravo docs brush off this as a non-issue, but the truth is their users are as interested in roasting turkey as they are in pizza, and they typically start their pizza learning process after their ovens are done. I’m more concentrated on pizza and bread, so I applied the Pompeii design guidelines to what I could learn about Neopolitan oven building, specifically with the help of the people at
The Neopolitan style of design I think is a lot simpler and easier to put together, but it does have a wrinkle that the low-dome puts outward pressure on the walls, and it needs some sort of external buttressing to keep the structure from collapsing. A hemispherical dome is self-supporting, but I’m convinced much more time consuming to build. I hired out to a metal fabricator for my external buttressing as you’ll see. Everything else was done myself.
The design I settled on is for a 36" round oven with a 14.5" elliptical dome, buttressed by metal straps. Somewhat counter-intuitively, the vent is outside the dome, which allows for a specific air circulation inside the oven, and much more efficiency for holding heat. We’re planning on it being the cornerstone for an outdoor kitchen, but who knows how long that will take to finish. The oven is functional now, with only cosmetic work remaining. I plan to tile the outside of the dome, but I had to special order frost-resistant tiles and they have a long lead time.