Mr. Hochar, any plans for a visit to Los Angeles? There are many Musar lovers in the area, and a dinner would be very special.
My local mid-Eastern restaurant, Rosine’s, has a good selection of Musar wines, and the owner is a true lover of them. I’m sure he would be thrilled to host you and a group of Musar-aholics!
Thank you for your time, and for the wonderful, world-class wines you craft.
The first time I had 1991 Musar was at Rosine’s. I called ahead and asked them to decant it for me, and they happily obliged (I offered to put down a card to secure it, but they said it wasn’t necessary, even though they didn’t know me). That would be fantastic.
My office is .5 mile from Rosine’s now. Vineyard Lunch Gang @ Rosine’s … or VLG at the office and then head to Rosine’s for round 2? As most of you know, Hagop has Musar back to the 60s so if there is anything we want to try during the Recon session, let me know and I’ll price it out.
And I need to loop Jay Selman into this. He had this idea years ago to do a Musar dinner after an interview with Bartholomew Broadbent (IIRC) and we were set but then I got so busy over the last few years and dropped the ball.