Mother's Day TNS: NV Cedric Bouchard, 00 Mugneret Feusselott

Some wines opened for Mother’s Day:

NV Cedric Bouchard Blanc de Noirs Inflorescence

Nice bottle of suds and well-priced at $50. I still don’t understand the fervor surrounding this producer though. Lots of orchard fruit like apples and soft and creamy in the mouth.

2000 Georges Mugneret Chambolle Musigny Les Feusselottes

Really special bottle, showing pure and elegant red fruits with a strong mineral component that really adds complexity. Delicious with a lengthy finish. Seemed like this has room to run till peak.

1994 Opus One

My brother obtained this from the shop he works at, the bottles weren’t from temp controlled storage so I wasnt sure what to expect. But the cork came out clean and the wine was great. Touch of brett, with olives, leather and some cocoa rounding out the nose. Very mellow, soft and full in the mouth - the tannins have integrated and this particular bottle seemed like it was in a perfect place. I personally would never pay for Opus, but the 90s wines are usually nice drinks.

1993 Mondavi Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon

Better than my other bottle of this, with a strong earthy component and pine needles mingling with red currant fruit. Again, seemed like it has plenty of life left - nice uplifting acidity keeps the flavors fresh. Good finish.

2002 Mondavi Napa Cabernet (375ml)

Clearly inferior to everything that came before, not showing refinement or class. But this suffered only by comparison - tasted on its own is still very young, tannins need to integrate.

Doesn’t taste like Krug?

It’s great for $50 - but nope, don’t get that comparison at all.

False advertising…I’m returning mine!

Can you imagine, I go in with the empty bottle and they ask why i want to return a $50 bottle and I say, B/c it doesn’t taste like Krug! [wow.gif]

Did you invite your Mom?

Ha - you’ll like it - but comparisons to Krug are a bit much.

We allowed her only “sniffy sniffs” of the wine! [gheyfight.gif]

Inflorescence is not where it’s at, actually for $50 I would find it really overpriced. Clos des Ursules is the real deal for me.

Thanks for the note PMC. I have been waiting for some tasting notes on the Bouchard. The hype seemed to be generated from non-consumers as far as I could tell.

I haven’t tried my bouchard yet, but the 00 Mugneret that I had, from the same source as PMCs was quite nice. If i had one gripe about it, I thought it was a little salinic (is that a word?)

Not sure if you were expecting from the first TNs from within the US but there are quite a few TNs available at the other place from Michael Lux, Randall McFarlane, me and probably quite a few others. Since he has basically only 2 NV cuvees (even though they are actually vintages) and the limited ones are virtually impossible to find, it’s hard to generate so much buzz - I for one wouldn’t post the same TN over and over every time I drink a bottle :wink:

I have yet to try a Bouchard but have to admit that I am really curious to see what all the fuss is.