Morot Beaune 1ers?

Yummy? What style is the domain? Lots of oak? Pure?

One of the best Beaune producers, structured wines in need of aging.

Thanks Kieth. How is the oak?

And how long until they start peaking? I have 4 different 1ers from 07.

I visited the domaine several years ago and by the looks of it there wines can be stored forever, they have a huge stash of oldies.
I don’t remember the style being overtly oaky, more pure Raspberry/Strawberry fruit with nice mouthfeel.
The are/or were imported by Kacher, who is Synonymous with Oak, but like I said they show very little.


No, they’re not oaky. Not sure I’d want to hold any 2007 Burgundies all that long, but I haven’t had Morot’s. Among stronger vintages, 1996 and 1999 are not ready yet.

Thanks. I saw an online reference to 50% new oak with these guys and that made me wonder.
I’ll pick up a few and check them out.

I ship these into the UK and think it’s a super source. Certainly not overtly oaky and very different from, for example, the fuller more muscular style of Remoissenet’s Beaune cuvees (which are domaine wines).

Geoffroy’s Bressandes 2008 is lovely and I’ve been really impressed with the 2007s for current-ish drinking, too. 2009 is - predicatably - exciting here.

indeed. Greg got in a monster stash of 93’s and 91’. Popped a 93 mag and it was corked. tears.

I’ve had the 93 Marconets and Cent Vignes, and they are just fine, thank you, with plenty of time left. Waiting for my 91’s to come in. One proviso is that in serious years, I wouldn’t plan to drink these young–not that they are bad, but they don’t really blossom for 12-15 years.

My local retailer who introduced me to Burgs used to have an exclusive arrangement with Kacher (and Weygandt for that matter), so I “grew up” on these wines. Thus Morot has been an early favorite and makes up a pretty good chunk of my cellar. I have bought in every vintage since '99, (except '03 which I skipped almost entirely). Here are my observations/opinions. I would say the style is fairly structured, somewhat old school and perhaps masculine. Quality is moderately high and consistent. I have never come across a Morot wine that I would describe as over-oaked. I’m not sure I’ve ever really noticed any intrusive oak at all even when young, unlike some other producers Kacher brings in. Acidities are always adequate but not usually on the high end of the spectrum. Aromatics are very good. I think de Janvry did very well in the lighter vintages of '00, '04 and '07, where they did/do drink quite well young. In more structured vintages, they really do need some time. A recently tasted '93 Bressandes still had plenty of life and a '96 Teurons might have been still a bit young. Each of the Beaune 1ers I’ve tasted is unique. My favorite is usually the Bressandes, which I often find to be earthy and a little funky. The Teurons is usually a little more refined, serious and elegant (relative to the others). On the next rung, I would put the Marconnets (often darker fruited) and Toussaints (perhaps a little less structured, at least in '06). I have not liked the Cent Vignes as much as the others, and have never tasted the Greves or Aigrots.
Overall solid quality, but would say it is a bit more structured/beefy/less elegant than some of your favorites. While I have gravitated in recent years to more elegant producers, I still enjoy Morot.

Very informative. Thank you, Steven.

Thanks from me as well, sounds like I will pop a few and report back.

MAN … the 1992 are drinking very nicely now … 1993 is still too young for me …
it´s really traditional style - not much new oak (at least in the 90ties - I´ve heard the increased it a bit recently …)

That was a great description Steve posted. I like the wines a lot. The 1990 Teurons I drank last year was sublime, way better than I could have expected it to be. Also, consider their Savigny-les-Beaune La Bataillere, a 1.8 ha monopole enclave within Les Vergelesses, certainly one of the very top climats of S-l-B.

Morot and J. Germain used to be my go-to Beaune 1ieme crus producers.

After vintage 1996 I only buy Germain.