Morgan Ranch American Wagyu Beef - Shipping like mad!

That love turned to shit overnight! :rofl:

Ya know, some days you feel like you’ve got the world by the tail… others you sell beef for a loss :rofl: :roll_eyes:

The steaks are here and going out today!


Cant wait!!!

I don’t think anybody on here expects you or wants you to lose money!I don’t speak for everybody but I’m confident that the vast majority feels the same.

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I agree with Mike, we are a forgiving bunch here. And lets be honest Carrie you got some street cred built up with this group!!

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Thanks guys! We work hard to produce some great beef and get it to our customers. WineBerserkers really are a great group of people. Many of you are more than just customers to us.


We’re working on making room in our freezers!

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Have to admit, I feel like extended family. Greatest Christmas order EVER. This stays on my refrigerator, next to 3,472 pieces of “A” or 4 point graded homework papers for the kids.



Defrosting one tonight for tomorrow! Finally get to try the morgan ranch flat iron!

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The flatirons are crazy good, very tender yet flavorful.


@Carrie_Morgan - just visited the website to check in on flatirons - don’t see them available and didn’t recall seeing them n the past - is this cut available?

PS love the tri tips but it boy those striploin medallions!



Got to email her for the flat irons. And agree on striploin medallions. My favorite from them!

Bill, you have great taste - Those striploin medallions are one of my favorites too!

All because of @Zachary_Mancini’s persistence, I was able to get my hands on some Flat Iron Steaks. The guys usually reserved them for restaurants because they take a bit of cutting down. We probably won’t be putting them on the website, but as long as there are some available, we can get them to Berserkers.

I’ll shoot you an email.

It was a Morgan Ranch Beef kinda night. Wagyu Kabobs, Wagyu Filet Tail Kabobs and Wagyu Flatiron. 2023 Myriad Cellars Dr Crane Barrel Sample. Saying “Life is Good” is an understatement. #hisandhersgrilling #carnivorediet #screwcarbs #cowboybutter #daddydust


You went all in! Well done!

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Flatiron looks killer…well it all does, but especially that!!

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@Zachary_Mancini Thank you & @Carrie_Morgan Thank you! Pumped for some Flat Irons!

At the risk of overwhelming you with too many offers, we have another…

Ok, everyone, I have unlocked the next level of pizza.

Of course the guy who says he never pats himself on the back is doing it right now, but the proof is the in beef fat…

Cooked up my sirlion medallions last night and they were as delicious as you always expect from @Carrie_Morgan and Morgan Ranch. No surprises there.

So… I cook my steaks in cast iron on my grill. This allows me to get a crazy hot and constant temp, a flat even sear, and the pan, as opposed to grill grates, allows that wagyu fat to render down and stay in the pan both marinating and cooking the beef.

Once you pull the steak out to rest, you’re left with a hot cast iron of liquid gold.

I happened to have some leftover pizza from one of my favorite spots and in a rare moment of genius, threw it in the cast iron to crisp up. OMG.

The leftover pizza crust soaked up all the fat, effectively frying it and making it super crispy, and that unctuous sweet gamey meat flavor permeated the entire slice. If I sound a little crazy, I probably am, but this was a total game changer. I thought pizza couldn’t get any better, but I was wrong. So wrong. Kids, go out there, buy a simple slice of your favorite pizza and give this a whirl. (pictured below is a white slice with toasted garlic and ricotta)

@Carrie_Morgan I think you need to sell blocks of wagyu fat trimmings!

Please pardon the quick crappy photos…