More trouble in Burgundy

As if the frost that hit earlier this year wasn’t enough, there have been some pretty severe thunderstorms here (I’m currently staying in Gevrey-Chambertin) the last two nights and a hard hail storm hit Beaujolais and severely damaged plantings in Morgon and Fleurie. Supposedly the damage was significant although I do not have any first hand knowledge. The lightning here has been pretty intense with several blown transformers in town.

It’s really tough seeing Mother Nature just totally F up what some of these vignerons work so hard for.

2016 looks to be a very tough vintage thus far. :frowning:

Don’t worry. By release time it will be yet another “Vintage of the Century”. [whistle.gif] [wink.gif]

I saw some pictures of massive hail in parts of Chablis as well. Looks like the storms were really widespread. Hail even shut down a race at the Nürburgring.

Lightning struck in the centre of Paris - many children and parents made the mistake of sheltering under a tree… fortunately no fatalities.


Cognac has just been hit badly by storms too.

Alex R.