Micro-agglomerated cork closure vinc+


Should people be concerned about the statement “Recommended for still wines with a shelf-life of up to 5 years” if they plan to age their wine beyond that?

Is this a new one?

DIAM seems to already have this space covered, and with a decade+ of positive results.

If it’s anything like Diam 5, those corks have seemed to be perfectly fine with wines 5+ years out (I think the 2014 Pepiere Briords used a Diam 5?)

How long might you normally age said wine under natural cork? My question - if the winery intended for the wines to be able to be aged longer, why did they not go with the DIAM 10 or longer?


What’s the price difference per unit?

This is a margin question

You could age the stuff for decades, but drinks amazingly on release, so I drank all mine. I highly recommend it if you’ve never tried it. On the East Coast, it was $15-20 bucks on release, depending on your source.

The price is could be a reason why the producer didn’t go for the longer aging, more expensive corks? I can’t imagine the wine sells for much at the winery and margins can’t be all that high. Plus they’ve been devastated by frost a few times in the last 5 years. I can’t remember exactly whether it was the 5 or 10, but it definitely wasn’t the Diam 30.

My understanding is that the Diam corks actually allow less gas exchange than a normal cork, so as long as the Diam cork physically holds up, it should age really nicely. Now that I’m thinking about it, in 2018-2019 I popped a half case of 2010 Trimbach CFE halves which are bottled under Diam 5, and those were uniformly fantastic (taste-wise). And the corks were in absolutely perfect shape. I’m not sure exactly when those were bottled and corked, but I’m guessing it was ~5 years? Of course, it’s possible that after a certain amount of time, those corks just fall off a cliff in terms of structural integrity.

EDIT: I’m also holding a 2018 Bedrock OVZ, which looks to also have a Diam cork in it, and these guys should be able to perfectly handle more aging. Uses a Diam 10, which I guess speaks to their confidence in its ability to age.

ESJ started with the DIAM 5 back in 2008/2009. You would have to ask Steve why he specifically went that way versus say the 10, but it was early for DIAM, so who knows. Anyway, the wines (e.g. 2009 Rocks & Gravel) are doing great.

This seems like one of your queries that is better asked of your peers than us.

Quickly went through Diam corks? - WINE TALK - WineBerserkers

Does Diam 5/10/30 mean the years the closure can hold?

I’m the VP of Product for Cork Supply - I’m happy to answer any questions you all might have.

The 5 year descriptor is a way to help our customers (the wineries) to decide which of the varieties of Vinc corks match best to the profile of their wine and the expected life cycle of the wine. It should not be read as an expiration date for the cork or for the wine.

It’s always nice to see you all discussing wine packaging!

Well, it’s certainly a quality/price indicator. The 10 is incredibly stiff and hard to get a corkscrew in compared to the 5. I haven’t opened a bottle with a 30 yet.

Greg, is there any test data you can share? I guess many consumers would want to know the risk of keeping the bottles for more than 5 years.

So if it’s considered a good thing that DIAMs and Vincs allow in just a little O2 . . . [snort.gif] [highfive.gif] [soap.gif]

Enough with the passive aggressive thing Larry.

Nothing passive aggressive here at all - just pointing out that if smaller amounts of ingress are desired, alternative closures of all sorts will probably do a more consistent job than natural corks in general…