MI Western Shore Winery Recs

I will be spending a week on vacation in South Haven this summer and was hoping to get some recommendations for wineries within about an hour away. Hoping to discover something with quality wines and ideally a nice spot to picnic. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!

Used to have a house up that way. I don’t know if there is such a thing as quality wines from that area.

I found the wine to be bad and the people to be rude. Hopefully others will chime in with a more positive experience.


This is a very good winery located in southwest Michigan. Jim Lester is a good guy. I don’t think they have tours but I am sure he can suggest other good wineries nearby if there are any.

George is unfortunately right that quality is going to be relatively short supply in this part of the state (much better luck up in the Leelanau area), but I’ve yet to encounter any rude treatment at a winery/tasting room. I’ll second Jim’s suggestion of Wyncroft. It’s in Buchanan, which is about an hour south of SH. Another place in that area to consider is Old Shore Vineyards. I haven’t tried their wines yet, but folks I trust have said good things about them. Neither place is open to the general public, but you can probably call to schedule something. Tabor Hill is also down that way, and they do some decent whites (Riesling, Traminette, Kerner) in the $12-18 range. Again, nothing spectacular but pretty solid. Their reds are really hit-or-miss, though. They also have a nice restaurant on site and do tours.

Thanks for the feedback. I realize the area is not flush with great wine but better to start with solid feedback from those in the know. Looks like I will stick primarily with the white wines.Thanks again!

+1 on Tabor Hill as a relatively better choice. The restaurant is pretty good, and has a nice view. My rule of thumb for MI wines is to stick with the sweet whites.

+1 on Wyncroft