I grabbed some jarred red sauce a few weeks ago because I was in a hurry and wanted it with pasta that night. It was SWEET. I don’t think a lot of the stuff that’s on the market now is formulated the same way as it was when we were kids.
The tomato sauce I bought listed tomatoes as the first ingredient. The second? Sugar. (remember, ingredients are listed in descending order of prevalance.)
One wishes it was just tomato based stuff. It seems like more often than not, any canned item you grab off a shelf in a grocery store has sugar or corn syrup in the top 3-5 ingredients.
Sorry, I don’t have a recipe for Sloppy Joe’s, but I might be able to help with Tuna Noodle Casserole (it’s the crumbled potato chips on top that make the dish). Do not be embarrassed about taking the easy way out. At least you cooked
I’ve contacted Child Protective Services. If your kids are eating Flannery burgers on whole wheat buns with sprouts and sweet potato fries when they get there, they may let this slide.
The Princess has informed me she will pick-up a can of our usual the next time she gets to the grocery store, (within 45 days), so we can try it again and see if it has changed or is to sugary.
We visited my brother-in-law’s family for a couple of days at Christmas.
They have formed the habit of volunteering to feed an entire homeless shelter. They had planned to do that on Christmas morning but our visit with them was short and the shelter had another offer for Christmas day. So they got the day after Christmas.
What they did was to cook entire stockpots of a sloppy joe mixture – which looked and smelled rather like a bean rich chili. They bought bags and bags of soft buns and served about 40 or 50 people. I didn’t taste it but it looked and smelled delicious. I could ask him for his recipe. I would bet there is no sugar involved. And perhaps it would be smart to go ahead and make a few gallons of the stuff like my b.i.l. did and freeze it in plastic containers so that you can thaw out portions at a time, enough to feed the kids. ??