Manliest of the Manly Wine Beverages?


Last night a long-time family friend named Michelle sent me photos of her 5 year old son wearing a freakin’ adult-sized SMURFS t-shirt [shock.gif] as his pyjamas. I followed my manly duty and immediately chided her as having improper mothering skills for buying her son that instead of a superhero shirt which is a requirement of all good parents to buy their young boys. I may have also threatened to turn her into child services for committing this travesty. [rofl.gif]

Not one to take this lying down, she immediately e-mailed me back and said, and I quote: “God, I hope he doesn’t grow up liking that Ice Wine crap. I want my son to partake of MANLY beverages!”

Ouch. [cry.gif] She may have a point there. It’s hard to defend my manhood when I am obsessed with icewine while my sisters, sisters in law, and long-time female family friends like Michelle all partake of the alcoholic malt beverages – which are clearly marketed towards male sports fans and not them – and still enjoy them.

I need your help in retaliating against her. When I go to Montreal next week, I will need to salvage my manhood with some manly wines. What are your recommendations for the manliest of the manly wines that will leave Michelle and my sisters crying in their crappy cheap Canadian beers? [help.gif]

El Nido

Oh, and any young Napa Valley Petite Sirah.

How about a magnum of 2007 Chateauneuf-du-Pape?

Barrel sample Foppiano Petite Sirah

Cold Heaven

Pichon Lalande 2003

You’re going to have a hard time arguing anything manly, considering you used about ten emoticons in your post. Always remember, emoticons = extremely un-manly

2008 Tablas Creek Tannat

See my avatar. When you walk around with a bottle that you sliced with a saber, you are a badass.

Good pic, Todd. But let’s face it: Wine just isn’t manly. Whiskey and tequila, yes. Wine, no.

It somehow gets funnier every time because I actually laughed. Maybe next week it will jump the shark.

The question is a good one. It needs to be something rustic, reeking and smacking of bacon, tobacco, and game, with obscured if even noticeable fruit. Petite sirah at it’s finest.

But I’m holding a sword, and the bottle is cut glass shards on top. Uh rah.

Sounds like aglianico!

You’ve got the sword, the broken bottle, the guttoral military phrase. But it’s still wine you’re holding. Might as well be a crocheted plant holder.

And for goodness sakes, anything with the word “petite” in it cannot be manly!

Fixed neener

Good point… but I thought I’d get called out because True Grit truly referred to Mattie Ross, not Rooster Cogburn [snort.gif]
