Magnums: Chateauneuf (1999 Clos des Papes & Usseglio Mon Aeiul), Giganda (2001 St. Cosme Valbelle)

Changing tastes = changing cellar.

2 x 1999 Clos des Papes CdP @ $145

1 x 1999 Usseglio Mon Aeiul CdP @ $120

2 x 2001 St. Cosme Gigondas Valbelle @ $90

Preference to multi-bottle orders; 5% off for the whole lot. Buyer pays shipping.


Are they all magnums?

Yes; title amended for better clarity - thanks.

Bump, lowest price:

1 x 1999 Usseglio Mon Aeiul CdP @ $110 (magnum)

2 x 2001 St. Cosme Gigondas Valbelle @ $85 (magnums)

$260 for all three.

Buyer pays shipping.

