Looking for new Cabs, and not the usual suspects

I find myself from time to time needing to fill the craving to binge purchase. You’d think that this would happen after drinking and making some questionable purchases based on boozing, but really I just like new shit. I’m looking for some new cabs. Ideally in the < $60 range. So that rules out all the big dogs over $100 we’ve all discussed. I’m looking for some new ideas that aren’t always thrown around here. I’m sure the search function would be very useful, but what fun is that? [cheers.gif]

2009 Hollis. By a long shot my favorite find under $40 a bottle this year.

This might be one of a handful of times your reply hasn’t involved defiling my sister. [cheers.gif]

Haha. I take my Napa Cabs far more seriously than taking your sister.

This wine is the real deal at the price point. I got six after trying one last month.

And FWIW, I am just a stone’s throw away from you for a couple of weeks. I am working in Salem, NJ.

Cresta Velia. Thomas’s asst winemaker, great interpretation of Howell Mtn. Yes, work with him, consider him a friend. Also think the wine is outstanding.

Price point and distribution?

Price point $65 (I think). I can’t imagine there is more than 200 cs, so probably limited/no distribution

Understood. Grassy-Ass.

I’m in DC, so you must have an Uncle Rico type of arm where you could throw a stone that far.

Oh, I should add, as far as suggestions, I’m not looking for the Educated Guess, bulked fruit bargains. but more like more like Hayfork, Mt. Eden, Drinkward-Peschon, etc. meaning that these are their top wines, but moderately priced… if that makes sense.

Then, this is right up your ally, IMO.

Stone’s throw in Texas terms is a couple hundred miles since our state is kinda massive. neener

I’ll check it out in that case. Sipping on a '09 12c picked up at this past Berserkerday. Poured through a vinturi and decanted. Still tighter than a virgin’s honeypot. Not sure what to expect from it while it airs. Hmm.

Give it a whirl in a Waring Bar Blender. Freemott and Manlin gave the 2005 Deus Ex Machina a whirl for a few seconds and they reported it worked wonders. Also they did the trick on a 96(?) Grange.

Found it on Acme Fine Wines for $65 but sold out.

Drink now Cabs:
Sean Minor Cab, about $20
Slingshot Cab, about $21
Fisticuffs Cab, about $30
Mauritson Cab, (Sonoma), about $30
Short Ends (made by Hollywood & Vine), about $33

Cross Barn Cab, by Paul Hobbs, about $40
Sixteen by Twenty, by Paul Hobbs, about $40
Chappellet Signature Cab, about $45
Hall Cab, about $48
Parallel Cab, about $55
Ghost Block Cab, about $60

I’ve had all of these because they passed Carrie’s requirements and we carry all of them, (required anti-shill statement). They should be available at a number of places closer to you. We are drinking a Sean Minor Pinot as I type, which is great at $16.

Yeah, but do you actually have any of these in stock, or will Carrie try to upsell me on a bottle of Screaming Eagle? [stirthepothal.gif]

Got me. [head-bang.gif] [rofl.gif]

Have had the above and think Randy is spot on.

Okay, don’t have a blender, but I do have a blender bottle. Put the wine in there and shook it up. Still not much. Another strange thing is that the wine tastes salty. It did before the blender bottle. As if you were at the beach and the ocean mist had hit the glass. Very bizarre.

Stags Leap Artemis $47.00, we’re almost sold out [snort.gif] I’ll sell you some Yellow Tail at the same price neener


I actually like the Artemis. Last one I had was an '04. And thanks for the sweet deal. But I’d prefer some Cupcake if you can source it. flirtysmile