Lighten Your Cellar, Help Us Support Laura's House

Many of you have supported and helped over the years by giving your time, money and wine to Laura’s House. This organization is close to my heart, to many of yours too, as it’s the recipient charity behind the proceeds from our annual Falltacular wine event that we hold here every winter at my house. While that event has done a consistent job of raising money the last 5 years (north of $60K so far !!), Laura’s House runs a much larger public event where they raise a big portion of their operating funds each year. This year, on September 14th here in Orange County at the Newport Beach Marriott, they will run their annual findraiser, this time titled “Step Into the Roaring 20’s”. It will mark their 19th year of providing domestic violence related services to the OC community and the event historically raises over $200,000 each year for the Domestic Violence Programs and Services of Laura’s House—enough funding to provide 2,000 night stays in Emergency Shelter.

For some additional facts about Laura’s, their mission is to change social beliefs and attitudes and the behaviors that perpetuate domestic violence while creating a safe space in which to empower individuals and families affected by abuse. Here is their website,, which explains their emergency shelter, 24 hour crisis hotline, support services to women and children, counseling, life skills and legal aid to families affected by domestic violence. To help frame the need, in 2012 they received 2,234 calls to their 24 Hour Crisis Hotline, representing a 21% increase from 2011 in the number of individuals seeking crisis intervention and domestic violence related resources. Today, they serve as the only state-approved comprehensive domestic violence agency in the south OC area, serving over 900,000 residents in 22 cities and over the past nineteen years, Laura’s House has provided shelter and support services to more than 3,700 battered women and children and counseling, life skills education and legal assistance to over 43,000 people.

What You Can Do: at this point, all I need is to have generous folks from the Wine Berserker community consider donating 1 bottle, 5 bottles, as many as you like. All of it will be put into their silent auction for the event, raising funds for the shelter. You can then take the approporiate credit as you like for a tax deductible donation. If you wish to donate, plz PM or post so I can contact you and help you coordinate the wines getting to Laura’s.

Thank you for reading, for your support of the charity and for the amazing help all of you have done over the years to support Laura’s House and the shelter.

As many of you know, the venerable Falltacular event that so many have attended over the years (hosted by Frank each year) has benefited Laura’s House a GREAT deal. Frank really leads the charge with a charity he believes in, and they have grown significantly over the last few years, in no small part to the wine crowd at Frank’s events, which includes a ton of Berserkers (and one year, several auction items for BerserkerDay were benefiting Laura’s House as well).

Any thoughts on what types/prices of wine would work best for their attendees? i.e. what has attracted the most attention/bids in the past?

Arn, anything will work, as the attending audience demographic has the means to buy across all spans of price. I have seen some of the lots of past years and it doesn’t look like Falltacular’s silent auction, meaning it’s been in the past a lot of wine that is often donated by the larger wine distributor network. What makes our cellars of this board different is that we offer a slice of the wine spectrum that is interesting, unique. I will have a hand in making sure the wine lots are built and priced right, too.

I encourage all of you that are thinking of donating to please do so. Everything helps.

Where to ship/send?

Arnie, I can get the wine from you on 8/31 when you are over here so don’t worry about shipping. I would though like to have the list of wines that you will have in the box prior to 8/31 so that I can help Laura’s build the lots.

Thanks a bunch, man.

I will put together a case

Please mark me for a case.

I’ll bring something over. My track record of remembering to bring wine to a tasting is not 100% yikes!

Veronica, I need to buy some wine in the next week or so. I could pick up your case and deliver to Franks on the 31st if that makes it easy for you.

PM me.

Thanks Brig!

Lisa and I are matching Steve and Veronica
champagne.gif [cheers.gif]

The case is 3 each of the following cabs: [snort.gif]

Pride 2003
Behrens & Hitchcock 2001& 2 Ink 2002
Araujo Altgracia 2002
Philip Togni 2001

flirtysmile Laura’s House

Man, I appreciate the donations, guys. It’s going to be great to see the wines out at the event and watch them sell. I truly appreciate it.

A few of you sent me PMs and I should have got back to all of you by now, as well. If I have not, drop me another note.

For those of you considering a donation, I have about 2 weeks left to coordinate wines getting from you to Laura’s House. Please contact me soon if you are planning to donate.

Big thank you again everyone.

I’m in as well, and hopefully this bump will generate more donations.

I just saw this, and I’m in. Frank, let me look around for some bottles tonight and I’ll email you what they will be. I’ll bring them on Saturday.

Counselor, thanks a million for the pledge. Look forward to seeing you on Saturday.

Frank: happy to help. Will be in the OC this week and hope to drop something off. Will PM you more

Nice, Ki. Thanks a lot.

Just wanted to thank you all for the donations you supplied to Laura’s House. The big event was weekend before last and I wanted to wait for some donation metrics to be released so I could close the loop on thanking you.

In the OC Register today, there was a nice piece on the event, where it was announced the event raised $250,000 in total. As for the ‘wine wall’ as we call it, where the bottles you donated were staged and bidded upon, we did fantastic. Last year, about $4,500. This year? With your help, we pushed that to close to $6,500, which is a sharp increase and one to be proud of.

A thank you all for opening your cellars to help, in the end improving the recovery and transition for those fleeing violence here in the OC area.

Side note–a plug out that I will begin starting the Falltacular 2014 planning shortly and setting a date. For those who wanted to donate wine, we will have that feature of Falltacular again this year. More to come soon…
