šŸ– ** LAST DAY: SUNDAY 2/2 ** exclusive Charcuterie Sampler (salumi, culatello, terrines, boudin, polpette, lots more) + Build-A-Charcuterie-Board Package + Free Shipping - Smoking Goose Meatery

Many thanks, @William_Moy!
And so happy you enjoyed Koji edition of our hot-smoked Wagyu Beef Bologna!
While that same limited-release isnā€™t on the production schedule as of now, weā€™ve got some new meat tricks up our sleaves this year for sureā€¦stay tuned!

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Oooh, very exciting! I found out my local market sells a lot of your products so Iā€™ve been able to have a stable supply of various salamis!

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Love this so much, @William_Moy!! Thanks for supporting your local market ā€“ thatā€™s what weā€™re all about at Smoking Goose.

p.s. which is your local market? weā€™d love to give 'em a shout out!

p.p.s Anybody reading this whoā€™d like to be able to get our charcuterie at their local joint ā€“ weā€™re always all ears! Let us know and we can reach out to them with the wholesale scoop.

This stuff is insanely good. Best Iā€™ve ever had in the states

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#MakingOurBaconBlush :blush: Thank you, @Chris_Blum!

Berkeley Bowl!

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Theyā€™re awesome! Love working with them!

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So @ToddFrench & @Charlie_Carnes (aka Charlie Meats) told me that if I didnā€™t order the Charcuterie Collection they would waterboard me with young Bordeaux next time we get together.

Added on some Creme Fraiche and Pimento Cheese (so my wife is happy).


Ha! @ToddFrench & @Charlie_Carnes #CharlieMeats give good adviceā€¦and make interesting threats :laughing:

Thanks, @Jorge_Henriquez!

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In for the Berserker Charcuterie collection!


oh hell yeah, sheā€™s not done yet!!


BerserkerDay 16 party is still going at Smoking Goose! Extending our offers through end-of-day Sunday, Feb 2!

Thank you for the extended offer! As a winery on berserker, didnā€™;t have much time yesterday, so I appreciate getting my charcuterie!

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Awesome! Thanks for your support, @anakeller! :heart:

Last day! Sunday, Feb 2! Order your Berserker Charcuterie Collection and/or Berserker Build-a-Board Collection with free shipping to lower 48ā€¦and be sure to check out Flash Sale section before checking out, plus check out a la carte product recommendations from your fellow Berserkers in our original first post above.

In for both! Thank you

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Thanks, @Phil_L !

Got my BD Charcuterie collection plus another order with a few other items (bacon) today. I canā€™t wait to dig into everything. The terrine will be perfect for the Super Bowl.

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Um, HOLY CRAP (not the word I used, I was much more colorful) on this Berserker pack!

I donā€™t know how to eat half of this stuff but Iā€™ve already taken a few bites of the pemmican and the entire bag of nduja-stuffed olives!

Thank you for the tips above on what to store in freezerā€¦wish more of it was able to be stored in the freezer! Also, thanks for dumbing it down on the tags, which are expiration dates now, not scientific formulas we have to cross-reference to reverse engineer an expiration date.

Ham steaks divided up into servings and vacuum-sealed in the freezer (with two portions in the fridge for breakfast tomorrow/Friday), duck and Boudin Blanc in freezer as well.

Iā€™m so freakinā€™ excited


Thanks, @sdfruman! Super snacks for the Super Bowl for sure :slight_smile: Cheers!