la paulee 2012 san fran

events and details were released earlier today. killer as always. thought i share with burg lovers who might have not had this on their radar.

see you then and there.

I live in SF, but I’m not yet very experienced with Burgs, don’t know if I’ll fully appreciate the grand tasting, and it’s expensive! I’m also not a burg purchaser, so it’s not like I need to make purchasing decisions. I would love to hear from others about whether it’s worth $300 for the tasting!

I will be there this year.

Ashish – You’re right that the grand tasting is very expensive . For someone who knows Burgundy, the tasting can provide the chance to taste from producers whose wines are nearly impossible to come across or are prohibitively expensive, and so it is worth the fare for many. But for a beginner, I doubt that it is worthwhile: you’re given 180 minutes with 100 wines (I never get through more than about 50-60, and that’s even a chore), so there’s no time to reflect and learn, and since you don’t have the perspective on what it is before you, the value is extremely limited. Take the money and get yourself 6-10 good but not prohibitively expensive bottles of Burgundy and spend a few nights with each one and you’ll have a much more productive experience.

+1. Great advice, Claude.

Thanks! That makes perfect sense and I agree completely.

I love the yearly Bordeaux UGC tastings (looking forward to this year…), but I also have significantly more experience in Bordeaux than in Burgundy. I agree that so much Burgundy at once isn’t helpful for learning for a newbie like me. [cheers.gif]

Great to hear

Is the glassware at this top notch? Do they give you enough to really smell it and get at last a reasonable single amount for mouthfeel purposes? I am interested in this.

No. I bring my own bowls

I don’t remember being annoyed by the pours not being big enough.

Are you going to debate terroir with the winemakers there? [wink.gif]

Anyone going to the dinners?

I am hoping to go this year, grand tasting and verticals tasting

the dinner tickets are out of my league

I have to say I am underwhelmed with the lineup this year, at least compared to past years. Was seriously thinking about attending but doubting it now. Seems like prior years was closer to 40 domaines, looks like 26 for this event with many of the stars absent. I guess I was just hoping to see some of the same, ie. Roumier, Angerville, Rousseau, Dujac, Leflaive, etc.

Just saw the prices for the dinners. [shock.gif] Definitely can’t/won’t do the Legends or Rare Wine dinner. Maybe the Gala dinner, but will have to talk it over with the wife. For those of you who have attended dinners in the past, is it a bunch of old stuffy moneybags people? I wanna fun table. Damn, even the lunch is $$$. I also wish they had more producers.

From what I’m told, people sit with you based on what wine you bring, so you’ll be at the kid table [snort.gif]

I havnt been to the dinner but Rob Rosania and that group usually attends and they are a fairly young party-vibed crowd.

In general I’m sure you get a mix of people.

What if I brought a Grand Cru bottle from central CA? Does that get me to the adult table?

I’ve been to the NYC Grand Tastings twice–they’re a wonderful over the top experience. Last year I went to the Vertical, as well, which was stone awesome.

I have been to the Grand Tastings in NYC with Randy (and the Verticals with Randy last year). We have had a great time, including a fun after Verticals tasting in Jay Miller’s wine locker.

If the tastings are too much and too crowded for you, try the Saturday morning seminar.

i will be there.

Only if they say something stupid. [snort.gif]