Kosta Browne SVD allocations are up

I didn’t get an email yet, but my Kosta Browne 2007 SVD allocation is up on the web site.
I was surprised to see that I got a 30 bottle allocation after only buying a dozen last year.

Unfortunately, the anticipated price hike (to $72) did indeed happen.

Thirty is pretty stiff. My allocation went from four to ten bottles this go round.

I am amazed people still buy this stuff

My allocation stayed the same. ZERO.

Never said that I was buying any of it.

I am sure someone would be happy to take your bottles.

Maybe if I bad mouth the wine enough KB will delete me off their waiting list. newhere

I was very excited when I signed up for the list a few years ago. They sounded like great wines and they were a good price - -something like $32 a pop for the blends and the SVDs were around $45. I’ve enjoyed the blends and finally bought 4 SVDs through the wait list last year. This year I got an allocation of the SVDs but they are too expensive for me. Someone else is gonna get a bump up the list. Enjoy.

I’ll probably bail on the 2008 blends, too. I like KB wines but for the price, there are others I prefer. I’d rather buy Carlisle, Rivers-Marie, and Auteur. I’m hoping to make the Rhys list next year, too.

46 bottles here. Rosella’s are down a little over last year.

Whew, yeah, $72 is really spendy. Fast track on the price upticks. I really enjoy the 2007s, but I’m only going to get the wines I know I like.

With the recent sale all I can really see in the near future is this winery being turned into an operation motivated by somebody needing to get their $40 million investment back…

Could be wrong though…but assume their revenue per year right now is around $10 million ish…changes will need to be made to start making some type of decent return…

This is my second year in a row passing on the SVD’s and appellation wines. But I do appreciate them giving me a chance to wish list some though. However, I made the decision a while ago to step aside and let someone move up to the list.

Besides, I’ll just drink Bud’s. He was generous enough to open a 4-Barrel for us last time we visited.

… and the next time too if you want. I’ve still got 15 bottles across 3 vintages (not counting the 07s).

The 2007 KB SVDs which tasted twice about 12-14 months ago are very good indeed and IMO the best KBs yet, assuming you like the style (if you don’t like large rich CA pinots, then save your ducats). Yes, $72 is not cheap, but there are a number of Littorais, Williams Selyems and Rochiolis around that price or higher, as well as Aubert and Marcassin which are definitely higher. Before you mention it, yes, I know that KB doesnt have the lengthy track record of these wineries (save Aubert), but they do have at least as much consumer pull as any pinot other than Marcassin, Rochioli and perhaps Aubert. Thus, from a market standpoint, KB is not out of line (although I yearn for the days like the 2002s when the SVDs, just Cohn and Kanzler at that point, could be had for less than $40–of course you could also go into a wine store and pick them up back then).

Didn’t you pass last year?

I got ZERO! After receiving additional bottle requests for the SC and RRV’s, I thought MAYBE I would get a few bottles allocated.

But since I didn’t, I will not be tempted.

I passed on the appellations. Got my SVD’s and traded for some SQN.

Tom, I too am going to order what I can afford, which now is about stretched to the maximum tension due to the ordering season being about 2 months old for me by now. I like Koplen, Kanzler and I need to settle onto one final selection, either the Keefer or Garys’, so this will be my order more than likely.

FWIW, I tasted the entire SVD lineup twice since June, most especially about 8 weeks ago through a slow paced evening dinner and I got a very complete look at the whole release. I will agree with Walter on his points: if you don’t like fruit forward pinot, then go for something else. But, if you like the KB style, one that I think is quite dialed in now to fruit, wood and alcohol–all working in balance–then pull the handle now. The Koplen and Kanzler are surely both the best versions KB has made to date, no question–tremendous versions of CA pinot.

All discussion is welcome in helping me decide…thanks!

They’re charging too much. I’m out.

I agree, but to be honest this is not my preferred style of wine. It has been fun to drink the bottles I have bought over the years and they are well made. However, once their prices started going up, I’ve been trading them to friends who really enjoy this style more than I do so unless one of them is desperate for my allocation, I’m out.