
Kojicon 2024 runs 19 Feb - 3 Mar. This is the fourth conference. Purchase of a ticket gives you access to the recordings from the previous 3 conferences. That is a lot of material! Very much worthwhile if you have an interest in koji, brewing, pickles, charcuterie, and other types of fermentation. Everything is recorded if you can’t attend the livestreams or if you just want to rewatch, and there is an active slack community for participants.
List of presenters and schedule:

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Thanks Mia. Looks like the UK online version is roughly the same time. Looking forward to building on my current knowledge.

Participants are from all over the world–every continent except Antarctica, and probably a whole lotta time zones. Great thing is that it’s all recorded. I don’t often manage to attend a live presentation, but if you have questions you can contact the speakers later. And the slack channel is lively.

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