Our LOSS is Your GAIN! This Year’s Killer Keller Deal!![resizeableimage=400,300]https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/16195580_10208139381221955_8036429942057891589_n.jpg?oh=bf96df159d88f49626cc2f43e1a80449&oe=59063828[/resizeableimage]AS INVENTORY FOR OUR SALE DECREASES WE WANTED TO EXTEND ANOTHER OPTION, HALF BOTTLES OF OUR 2009 LA CRUZ PINOT NOIR ON SALE FOR 15.00 A PIECE NOW AVAILABLE ON OUR WINE BERSERKER PAGE
It is through no fault of our own, but a happy mischance, that we are able to offer the greatest deal that Keller Estate has ever offered. Due to circumstances beyond the control of all but the maker (…I mean the wine maker, who did you think??) we have found ourselves with 36 cases and 5 bottles of our beautiful 2013 La Cruz Pinot Noir with light amounts of staining on the labels. As I said, our loss is your gain, instead of going through the process of relabeling all 437 bottles we knew our friends at wine berserkers would appreciate it so much more if we practically gave it away to them. This is our Third berserker day, and man are we happy to be able to offer such and Awesome option to all of you, and to sweeten it even more you buy 12 or more and we will ship it to you at no charge!!!
4 bottle order will get you a 45% discount!
Buying 8 bottles will net you 48% in savings!
Get 12 bottles and boom 50% off!!
Take home 2 or more cases and you are walking out with a bill that is 55% less per bottle!!!
If you were to go to our website or into our
tasting room right now you get this amazing 92 pt.
wine for a retail price of 45.00.
Don’t believe me? Just look!
http://www.kellerestate.com/Shop/Current-OfferingsOnly through this limited supply offer can you get such an amazing wine at prices as low as $20.25 a bottle
leaving you with just one question…will one case be enough??
Visit our Special Wine Beserker’s Only page to order
Keller Estate - Shop - Wine Berserkers