Just received 2008 Scarecrow

So, like so many others, I have been waiting on the list to purchase Scarecrow for a ling time now. I decided to order the Scarecrow book from their website a few weeks ago to enjoy with friends and family. Well, today FedEx brought the book to my doorstep, along with a OWC of 2008 Scarecrow!

I was shocked when I opened the box to discover this inside, since I have not been offered to purchase yet.
What a great surprise, though! [cheers.gif]

I contacted Scarecrow immediately and am awaiting a response. I wonder if they’ll let me keep it, after I pay for it, of course.

Anyhow, just thought I’d share my out of the ordinary experience [highfive.gif]

Edit: Isolated mix-up, Scarecrow let me pay for and keep the wine. Still a fantastic surprise :slight_smile:

Now the book will sell out quickly …

Maybe it will!

I’m guessing it was just an oversight by the fulfillment company, but we’ll see…

Everybody order books!

Luckily, I was an isolated incident. I paid for the wine and will drink a bottle this weekend :slight_smile:

Corrected. [cheers.gif]

Haha! I just saw the charge go through on the credit card, though. I’m just happy to actually have 2008 Scarecrow!

This is a strange thread…

You did the right thing, and although Scarecrow didn’t have any obligation to do so, it probably would have been nice of them to throw you a bone of some sort for the honesty, especially considering the value of these items.

I got 2 or 3 extra bottles of 99 Leflaive Puligny Montrachet les Pucelles in an order a couple of years ago, beyond the two I paid for. It was tempting for a split second, but of course notifying the seller and returning them was the right thing to do. Had the seller said “Tell you what, if you want to keep them, I’ll knock off 20%” or something, I may well have taken him up on it.

I guess in their mind, letting you buy it at face value probably was “throwing you a bone,” and maybe that’s fair enough. I’m glad it worked out that way for you.

What do you mean? Sean H. is awesome. Obviously.

… and lucky. I almost forgot to say lucky. Very very lucky. Obviously.

How’s this for karma. I joke that we should all order the book (and maybe we’ll get the wine). I come home to my Antica Terra order and they shipped the regular release, not the Botanica.

Weird how it happens, isn’t it? The invoice didn’t reflect the wine being shipped to me, so I doubt they ever would have known where it went. The last thing I wanted was for someone to lose their job over the discrepancy of a missing OWC.

I do feel very lucky. I even posted a thread here not too long ago wanting to buy someone’s '08 allocation. Things have a funny way of working out…

C. Grimm:
Uh oh! Maybe they’ll ship you the Botanica and let you keep the regular too. Wishful thinking can go a long way, case in point!

now that they’ll sell the wine to just anyone, now no one is going to want it anymore :wink:

Well Sean thats a heck of a way to get on the list! TN’s please if you do decide to open one!