Juge v. Voge?

How do they compare? (I love the first, which I own and have drunk, but never tasted the second, which seems to go for twice the price.)

They don’t compare. Juge for me.

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Voge has always seemed a little richer than I like from the North Rhone - to the point where you’re trading North Rhone-ness for Syrah-ness.

Stylistically very different. Voge is more of a full-bodied, riper syrah experience, but nothing like the ripeness you see in many Cali syrahs. It still has good typicity, the scale is just bigger. I cannot imagine Juge appealling to everyone. It’s like a Chinon-lover’s Bordeaux.

Voge’s VV is the upper limit if you still want to have some N Rhone characteristic. Vieilles Fontaines is too oaked and too ripe. None of their wines are going to be in the camp of Clape, Allemand, Robert, Balthazar, Gilles, etc.

Personally, if I was looking for a “new” Cornas domaine to scratch the Clape itch I would recommend Gilles. I like what’s going on over there.

The 2009 Juge is exactly how described the Voge with the exception of Cali Syrahs. Currently drinking a glass of the 2012 Juge and I would agree with the comparison to Chinon. Stemmy and green.

It appears we have rather different interpretations of that 2009 Juge. I found the red fruits to be ripe but not full bodied in any sense and not venturing into the darker fruits, plus it was underscored by a nice green spline. I’m not touching my '12s for a long time. Thoughts on optimal drinking window since you are trying it already?

I agree with the Gilles recommendation.

Optimal drinking window is subjective. My best guess is from year 10-15. But I think the 2009 will probably out live the 2012. My .02.

I’ll second, I had an '11 a few weeks ago that was really good. Lots of soul.

Where you finding Juge these days?

Like the others have said, Voge is a riper take on Cornas, but still recognizably French (speaking of the vv here). Good if you can find them for under $50, which seems to happen regularly.

Crush and Flatiron in NYC just offered the 2012 Juge. Flatiron sold out and Crush has 1 bottle left as of this afternoon.

Flatiron had 2012 Juge about a week ago. It sold out immediately.

Yes, I just got re-upped Juge from Crush and am surprised to hear any is available at all–as I asked for 4 and was knocked down to 2.

Thanks, Keith, Robert, and everyone for the helpful comparisons. I also have some Gilles (haven’t tried any yet) and the '09 Juge was what I last drank. Did not find it stemmy or green–light on its feet, mineral, a little of that metal/blood thing I like in Cornas. You could hold, but also drink now. IMHO. I’ll probably won’t try mine again for a while, but probably before the '05 Clape I am waiting on.

'11 Juge has been delicious since release.

I was dying to try Juge until I read your description. Thank you for saving me some dinero.

You are not worthy! [wow.gif] I did pop a Bedrock Syrah at 4 PM in my office, my partners loved it! I think you would too. Drinking a 2014 Roilette Cuvée Tardive now, mucho yummy!

It is really hard to drink that 2009 Juge and not find it stemmy or green. In a tasting of, gosh, 15 Rhone Syrahs, it was the stemmiest wine of the group. Its hugely stemmy. It’s like 300% whole cluster.

I knew I should have gone to law school… (for the Coudert part, not the Bedrock)

Having a wine fridge in my office seems to attract partners, associates and other hangers-on . . .

Makes for lively times.


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