Jones Family

Well, jones family went live without any notification. I just went through my cellartracker and realized i did not have 2012 “the sisters” so i logged into their website for my allocation. There it was.

Anybody actually get an email for this?

Same here, no email, but I wasn’t planning to buy anyway. No issues with the wine, just out of storage space.

Thank you!!!

Allocation open 4/13, no email notice…

Just heard from Stephanie, and apparently there is a glitch–they aren’t officially releasing until first week in May, presumably with email notifications.

Reminds me of my odd experience with Jones Family…
I joined their mailing list at the very beginning and purchased the first two vintages (1996-1997). Enjoyed them quite a bit, especially with a couple of years of age. NEVER heard from them again after my 1997 cabs were delivered. Never requested to be dropped, never passed on an allocation (or sold what I bought), never had any communication outside of ordering process (so it’s wasn’t because of my personality! rolleyes). I suppose I just took it as a sign that they didn’t want me in the club.

Pete, I had the same thing happen with HALL. I realized in checking my cellartracker one day that one shipment I was supposed to receive never came. I made a call and they then shipped it. Same thing happened the next club release. I called, they shipped. I never received another shipment after that I just figured, oh well… The funy thing is about a year later I got a “We want you back” email from them. I thought, “I never left, you guys just stopped shipping me wine.”

I signed up with them at least 5 years ago and haven’t heard a thing since. I have a confirmation email that I signed up, but that’s it. I hear they’re decent wines though…

The wines are great even if their sales tactics are of the non-aggressive type. This is one you gotta want more than them wanting to sell it to you. Great people and wines worthy of ones Cabernet dollars.

Word that

Mike nailed it.