Jancis Robinson - The long story of Jasud Estate

Pumped for Ketan. Dude is a legend.

We’re hanging w him late october again and cant wait


Wine Advocate has 2019 scores up too (Joe C) published today, but don’t think the corresponding story/article is up on the website yet.

*Maus 92-94
Montecillo 94-96
Lupina 95-97

Don’t see Jasud

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What are the scores?

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TWI were 19 - 98+, 21 - 98-100, 22 - 97-99.

Personally the 19 is a 100 wine to me! Ketan opened it for me and disappeared and I just sat with it and shed a tear knowing what went into making the wine. I remembered 10 years of video texts from Ketan planting the vineyard, many early visits to the property and many, many other stories along the way.

One that is not well known, in the early years Ketan lived on the property in a Thoreau like cabin. He was in Oakland with a bunch of hard core bikers and drank a bit too much and decided to stay there for the night. That night lightening stuck a tree that crashed onto and destroyed the cabin. Had he been home that night he probably would not be here…

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19, 21 and 22 vintage?


I just updated. I did it from memory and was off a bit.


Lupina was the best of the 19 Beta’s I tasted in February per my notes. The others were a bit shy but opened up over time. As said before, all of these wines are meant to lay down for many years.


I agree 100%


Crazy story…

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Did he say when next offer is coming out?

Should be soon. Patiently waiting for the release :joy:

We’ve always gotten a “save the date” in the past, so I assume this offer won’t just pop by surprise. Looking forward to it!

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Yes i meant im patiently waiting to see the save the date email!

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I got an email for Jasud for Oct 10. I never fly blind (I mean , I did for scarecrow many years ago) , but I am on this one

The wine is excellent. There are several Jasud tasting notes on the board already.

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